Willing date

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@Aiden0228 thanks bro

Swiss pov

I've been thinking about taking Sodo on our first date, well first willing date where we're not locked in a room by Rain if we tried to leave. I wanna take him somewhere that's not fancy but still nice. I decide to get the only help I can Rain. I sigh walking out of my room and heading straight down the hall to Rains. I knock on the door. "Hey Rain!" I yell before the door opens. "What do you want cheese man?" Rain asks. I sigh again. "I need help with taking Sodo out on a date." I said as Rain grabbed my arm pulling me into his room. "Ok I have a whole binder filled with places to take him that I made just for this reason ok." Rain grabbed an overfilled binder from his closet and tossed it to me. "What in the name of flying rat fuck!?" I said trying to catch the binder before it could hit the ground. "I made one for everyone, even you have one." Rain explained. "Can I see mine?" Swiss asked. "No. Now let's get started you've got a lot of options."

2 1/2 hours later

"How about here?" "Swiss for the last time it's a first date not a sweet walk on the beach." They had been at this for awhile. Swiss fell asleep twice and only woke up when Rain slapped him across the face like a mad man. "How about here?" Swiss said pointing to an old train track bridge. "That seems perfect!" Rain smiled. "That track looks oddly familiar? Is that in ———————————?" Swiss asked. "Ya, how did you know?" Rain question. "I used to go there all the time! I even did graffiti on the stone pillars underneath the bridge." Swiss said happy that he was going to be able to go back there. "Perfect then! You guys could bring spray paint too!" Rain suggested. "Ok let's do this!" Swiss yelled the excitement clearly visible.

 "Ok let's do this!" Swiss yelled the excitement clearly visible

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