Hatsune Miku 2020 Calendar - December

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Module Name: Hatsune Miku 2020 Calendar - December

Real Name: Dylan Newbury (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): December

Date Of Birth: December 7, 2005

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Rooster

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Designer: 田村ヒロ

Known Relationships/Family:

Flick Newbury/Hatsune Miku 2020 Calendar - December Len (twin brother)

Vijay Abdi/Hatsune Miku 2021 Calendar - December Len (boyfriend) (February 15, 2023)

Occupation: High school student (she's currently a snior)

Specific Song: N/A

Fun Facts:

- This Rin module and V Love 25 -Desire- Kaito have the same first name. However, their last names are different.

- This Rin module, I'll Introduce You! (or his real name Jaden Kalb), A Winter Evening Chat (or his real name Tyson Gedaminsky), BBQ With Everyone (or her real name Tillie Switzer), and Melt (or her real name Mora Cantwell) are birthday twins.

- How did these friends first meet? Alisha always knew that Dylan and Flick are star basketball players, and she would watch from the sidelines. The twins were responsible for winning many games, but Dylan takes most of the credit. Alisha finally had the courage to speak to them one day, but it took a while for them to be considered friends.

- Dylan and Flick don't usually get along. They fight over who is the better basketball player. Most of the time, they're spending more time arguing than playing the game.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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