Hatsune Miku 2024 Calendar - April

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Module Name: Hatsune Miku 2024 Calendar - April

Real Name: Eloise Mancia (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): April

Date Of Birth: April 20, 2009

Age: 15

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Ox

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 119 lbs.

Designer: 絹谷ゆたか

Occupation: High school student (she's currently a freshman)

Specific Song: N/A

Fun Facts:

- This Rin module and Hop! Step! Instant Death! A Happiness Dance Death-Trap Miku have the same first name. However, their last names are different.

- How did these friends first meet? Sunday was at a charity Easter egg hunt, and she couldn't find many eggs. She saw Eloise with a whole bunch of eggs, and that made her jealous. Luckily, Prairie was there to save some eggs for Sunday because she wanted the hunt to be fair for everyone. At the end, their families went out for lunch together.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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