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"Sarah, it's fine," you told her. "Really."

The blonde girl didn't look so convinced, grimacing at the dark coloring on your neck that you were desperately trying to cover up. The incident had happened a week ago, but she still looked rightfully horrified. You knew that it wasn't just the bruises or what had happened but more importantly who had done it.

"I understand why you never told me," she had murmured later that night.

JJ had been searching your bathroom for some cream while she sat with you on your bed, holding some ice to your skin.

"I mean...Rafe's always been Rafe, you know? But..."

She had looked down, eyes troubled.

"I still love-loved him. He's my brother, and no one wants to think someone they know is capable of something like that."

There had been a beat of silence.

"How do you even begin to tell me something like that?"

She had shrugged just as JJ stepped out of your bathroom, worriedly brushing his fingers over your skin. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be in attendance tonight, Sarah helping you with your hair as you applied makeup to your neck. With all of your memories back, you recalled how often your mother threw senseless dinner parties. It always was nothing more than an excuse to show off to the other wives of Figure 8, and tonight would be no different.

In truth, you wanted to be anywhere but here. Of course, now, with all of your memories back, you remembered perfectly well what she was like, so you weren't surprised at her lack of reaction with the return of your memories. A simple hum had been good enough for her, and you could only assume she had at least mentioned it to your father in passing seeing as he never acknowledged it, at all.

"She was very adamant about my being present, tonight, and we both know why."

Sarah softly exhaled at that.

"I'll always be just something to make them look good," you murmured, putting your beauty blender down.

You would've skipped out on this farce entirely, but your mother had had one of her scarily strict moments where she'd made it clear under no uncertain terms that you were to be here. When you asked if Sarah could at least be present, her enthusiasm should've been your first clue that the night was going to go horribly wrong.

"What-what do you mean?"

You watched your mother put the finishing touches on the table, setting out charcuterie boards and champagne glasses. She was oblivious to your distress.

"I've been friends with Rose for years as you now well remember, so I don't understand this attitude."

You resisted the urge to huff, your stomach churning.

"...but why does Rafe have to come too?"

She turned to look at you with a deep frown.

"He is your boyfriend," she pointedly said. "Why would I not make it clear to Rose that I want him in attendance?"

This time you did huff, blinking back tears and swallowing down any negative emotions that came up at the mention of Rafe.

"Rafe and I broke up," you lied, ignoring the look on her face. "...and let's just say it ended really bad."

You watched as your mother rolled her eyes, waving you off.

"You kids are so young," she chuckled. "You only just started dating. You'll be back together in another month or so."

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