Chapter 2

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"Looky here, boys. Cargo has arrived!" Vi winces as the shrieking metal rings in her ears. Chains cackle at her as shes dragged out of the vehicle, down... tears well in her eyes. Down to the rocky shore. Stillwater. A trading site. The gravel led to the ocean, but Vi cant even fathom where the ocean will take her.

"Get a move on, before she regains her strength." Another wince, this time a hiss, as another needle stick prods her skin. The world goes dark again.


"We keep an eye on Noxus!" Caitlyn announces to the council room. "Theyre our suspect! We have no evidence nor motive that can lead anywhere else!"

"How can we be sure?" An attending audience member clears their throat. "I mean, if theres no proof anywhere else, how do you have proof of Noxian involvement?"

"Thats the reason why it has to be Noxus." Salo answers. "What with their underground shadiness, the kidnappings, wars, invasions. They would want someone like Violet Lane, especially given her history."

"What would you know about Noxus affairs?" Another audience member demands.

"Its our duty to know things about our enemy that can protect us." Cassandra informs. "Noxus has underground rings. The worst of them. They have been causing havoc and mayhem everywhere they step. Taking fighters, those strong enough to an army of their own. We dont know why its just Vi they have taken, but we must assume more will be next."

Heimerdinger opens his mouth before anyone else can. "Our plan of action is as follows: curfew. No one is to be out after dark. Not even in Zaun. If anyone withholds information, theyre to be imprisoned under the pretenses of treason and collaboration. Anyone out after dark are also to be arrested for these reasons."

"Anyone who works after dark will be watched heavily by Enforcers." Caitlyn adds. "Security is our first defence against something such as this. All missing persons within the past year are to be assumed prisoners of war, trafficked, or otherwise some sort of captive. We wont stop looking, but these are our resort."

"We open the floor to your concerns." Hoskel sweeps his arm palm up over his desk, inviting the general public to speak freely.


"This is beautiful, my dear." Tobias watches as Matilda hangs another work to dry.

"Grandfather, its been two days. Why is there no news? How do people just- go missing? How do they stay missing? Why wont mother and grandmother tell me anything?"

"There are bad people in the world, my darling. They have ways of making people disappear that are often incomprehensible to most. Its why your grandmother sleeps with a rifle. Why your mother keeps her guns close. Why i myself always have a loaded holster."

"If thats true, why is my parent gone?"

"Because things dont always go as planned. Let me tell you a story Vander told me at the hospital."

"Look, all i have to is jump! Its a three foot gap, and just lower than a few feet! Its nothin!" Vi jumps. Because of the way she jumped, and the underestimated height difference, her landing is off. Her ankle snaps upon impact.

"You see? You can be trained, ready, and still not get the planned result. Its human nature."

"Humanity is doomed, and the human race should be eliminated."

"Now now, thats a bit dark, isnt it?"

"No more crime, no more missing people, no more hearts tore from chests because someone else wills to hurt others."

"Youre your mothers daughter, oh dear." Tobias runs a hand over his beard.


"Powder, we need to talk." Vander sits next to her on her bed. "Or maybe you need to listen. Im not sure."

"Fuck it all."

"No, no. We will get Vi back."

"Oh yeah, sure, when shes unrecognizable. When she doesnt recognize us. When shes so scared and hurt and traumatized she assumes were threats. When she accuses us of poisoning her, of harming her. I cant do it again, dad. I just cant. We barely got her back last time. It was a freak accident with the right person at the right time. They wont let it happen again..."

"Your sister will be home. We will help her. We will teach her about love again." Vander wipes the tears rolling down Powders cheeks. "Your sister is so strong. She will make it out. I know it."

"Because she sure did make it out last time."

"Powder," he warns, "youre being too hard on her, on everyone. The council suspect Noxus. Thats a start in itself. Last time, we had no suspects. No knowledge of anything that could have taken anyone anywhere. Now we do. She will be home before too long."

"You said she would be home soon last time, and she was gone for almost a decade. I dont need this bullshit of false hope. Shes gone this time. It was a fluke we got her back last time." Powder curls in on herself, blocking any of Vanders attempts to talk to her.


"Caitlyn." Cassandra waits for her daughter to stop walking. "We should keep the others informed as we gain information. Matilda and Powder will appreciate it."

"This is what it takes for you to be civil?" Caitlyns voice is stone cold, and blade sharp. "The woman i love is missing for a second time, and you finally, finally stop snapping at the throat of Zaun? The mother of my child is gone, and thats what it takes for you to leave Silco and Vander alone?"

"Caitlyn, i-"

"Take your excuses and shove them up your ass. You dont care about my family, just yourself and father, and the image you try and force everyone to see."

"Stop your attitude at once!"

"Why? Because im right?" Caitlyn gives the silence long enough to settle before storming away.

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