Chapter 3

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The character named Mara is based off the Legends Of Runeterra card named Dreadway Deckhand. TWs: death, violence, weed use

"They think were Noxian, you were right! Not a damn suspicion." Finn boasts. Vi hardly recognizes him. Vision blurred, she tries to identify her location. Her nose is filled with blood, oil, chemicals, and something sweet. Something she doesnt recognize.

"If we had taken her when she arrived, it would have rose all sorts of suspicion." Clanking of dishware. "Ionia is full of secrets, but the secrets only stay as such if the action is taken before arrival. How else do you think all those Vastayan tribes vanished?" Marcus. She chokes on her own bile at the realization. Both heads turn to her.

"The beast is awake." Finn stalks over to her, using his boot to knock her onto her back. She hadnt even realised she was on the floor. The chains binding her are loud, much too loud for the pounding in her skull.

"Ill tell my father-"

"How, pray tell, will dear daddy find out about this? As far as hes concerned, im on vacation in Bilgewater, visiting whore houses."

"Miss Fortune is a long time friend and ally. Shes my eyes and ears. She will get back to him. I believe in her."

"Ill have her executed at once." Marcus picks up his phone. "Graves? Long time, old friend. I have a favor to ask." Vi cant make out whats said on the other line. "I need you to execute Sarah Fortune. Shes committing treason, being more loyal to a Sewer Rat than to her King." The insult hardly phases her. "No relation, shes a spy, feeding information to Piltover and Zaun." More silence. "Shes a loose end, i need her taken care of." ... "No, no you dont understand. Shes going to expose everything! Everything ive worked towards! It involves you because shes your citizen!" ... "What do you mean... Queen? Is she your wife?" ... "No, no that cant be possible! Bilgewater bows to you!"

"Bilgewater does indeed bow to Sarah Fortune." Vi smirks. "Enjoy the targets on your back. Cant believe you partnered with someone known to be a fuck up. The true Jinx Of Zaun himself." Her jaw clicks, teeth colliding.

"Shut it, bitch!" A shot rings in the room, Finns corpse falling next to Vi. Marcus mutters to himself before leaving the room.


"What an interesting call. Do you know where it came from?" Sarah is mid dress, putting on her diplomatic uniform as to not alarm other countries of her arrival.

"Marcus of Piltover." The skinny lass Sarah has spying for her informs. "Says youre a loose end."

"A Sump Rat stepping foot in Bilgewater, or are we talkin the posh accent?"

"Unsure. Marcus was very alarmed though."

"Thank you, my dear." She saunters over to the pirate. "Your information will be well rewarded." One slender hand caresses her cheek, dropping to the open button on the front of her blouse. "Missed a spot." It comes off her lips in a grin.

"Much appreciated, maam." Slender fingers fix the button, Sarah licks her lips.

"I will call upon you when i return, Mara. I owe you more than a few." Sarah leaves with a wink. Mara gins sharply.

"I look forward to your return."


"Sarah Fortune reached out to me," Silco starts. "She asks for a diplomatic meeting."

"When will she arrive?" Cassandra puts her tea down.

"A few days from now. Its urgent business." A knock on the door inturrups, Mylo strutting into the room.

"I have some new for you~!" He sing songs. "Finns dead. Last seen with Marcus. Finn was supposed to be in Bilgewater, Marcus was on vacation and not due back for a month."

Caitlyn rushes into the room, phone in hand. "A dead body-"

"We know." Cassandra blurts. "Your little spy here told us. How long?"

"A few days, less than a week for certain."

"This is seriously hot hot hot! Did Powder kill him? Did she?! She hates Finns guts, has wanted him dead for a long long time."

"No, son. She didnt kill him. Shes been holed up in her bed, or off getting high with you and your brother. Now if you excuse us, were in the middle of a meeting." Silco dismisses Mylo and Caitlyn with a flick of his wrist.


Powder sits next to her window, breathing in the smoke, letting it fill her lungs, relax her. She breathes it back out, inhaling the marijuana stench, allowing it to sooth her all over again. Claggor sits with her, smelling of chems and dirt, puffing from the same joint.

She leans into his side, using him as comfort. He misses and loves his sister, hes tore up from her being gone, but he just cant show it like Powder and Mylo can.

Powder mopes, Mylo pumps his veins of any adrenaline he can. Claggor? Claggor cries silently, hoping the stars he sees arent of his sister.

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