Chapter 4

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The rock and sway of the boat has her nauseous. "You know, we wouldnt be like this if you hadnt hired Finn."

"You should have died that day with Sevika. Filthy, Zaunite scum." He spits back.

"At least my family loves me."

"They pity you because of how weak you are. Do you think Vander would have fallen as you did? Or even Silco? I bet those brothers of yours would have lasted longer, especially the big one. Hes stronger than he looks. Fuck, even your sister, gangly as she is, could have outlasted. And you? Youre weaker than you look. Every muscle of yours is just for show. No ones even looking for you."

"Youre wrong!"

"Am i? Why havent they come?" Shes silent. "They know where we are. Yet-" he laughs. "Not a soul has come to your aid!"


"Sarah comes tomarrow, we must be presentable." Cassandra straightens the drapes, making sure the banister is also well shined.

"Mother, your home is always presentable."

"Not now Caitlyn." She sighs and goes to her old room, letting her fingers glide over her comforter.

Caitlyn plops onto her bed, staring at her phone, at Vi. Tears form, looking at the smiles, at the laughter she can hear through the pixels, at the loving embrace she can feel around her own shoulders as she stares at a picture of Matilda hugging Vi.


Matilda curls into the sheets beside Caitlyn, letting her mom hold her, allowing Caitlyns shirt to hold her tears as her own shoulder holds her mothers tears. The space between them closed, emotions flowing as they take in the magnitude of Vi missing.

Matilda calms down after a bit, her moms lilac and honey soap clouding her mind. Caitlyn falls asleep with tears still streaking down her cheeks.


"This is your new home, rat." Vis limp body is tossed into a cell, chains clattering. A groan leaves her lips.

"Careful with my merchandise, i paid a pretty penny for that elusive bitch."

"Enjoy her. Im going out to snuff that whore of hers, and their bastard child." Marcus leaves with a resounding crash as the door slams and locks behind him.

"Its just you and me now. Lets get started." Vis head swims, vision going black before the mystery voice had a chance to dawn on her.


"This concludes the report Sarah Fortune brought." Cassandra places the papers and recording device in the middle of her place at the table. Sarah stands in the middle of the counsel room, eyeing Caitlyn behind her mother.

"We need to find Marcus." Hoskel blurts.

"I second. Young Miss Kiramman should head the department. Shes most suited on the force." Shoola backs.

"We cant have her interfere with this case though. Shes a witness." Salo tacks on.

"Even so, with her in charge and Marcus gone, order can remain in the force." Mel concludes.

"All in favor of Young Lady Kiramman as Sheriff?" Heimerdinger asks, raising his hand. There is no disagreement. "Youre young, but you can manage, my girl."

"Can we get back to the problem at hand?" Caitlyn nearly snaps. "Vi is still out there, we have proof of location, proof of life. Can we rescue her before its too late?"

"That assuming they havent moved her." Sarah counters. "Everything you have is everything i know. I can send a falcon to Bilgewater, see if anything news come from my First Mate."

"The Yordles will talk with sugary treats. I think we should split ways and reconvene with all new findings." Caitlyn strategizes.

"Youre not going anywhere. Choose someone you trust from the station and send them in your place." Cassandra brushes her daughters wishes aside.

"No, i need to be there, Vi needs-"

"Violet needs a savior, not a lover. If youre caught up in this, they could kill you, or worse." Mel backs Cassandra. "You and Matilda can be placed under heavy watch. From there, we will be able to focus Vi and not worry about your whereabouts."

"Excuse the tardiness," Silco offers the counsel as him and his family enter the room. Caitlyn repeats her notes to them. Powder scrunches her face in distain.

"Why dont we use Marcus as a bargaining chip? Each ear alone could-"

"No Powder, thats illegal." Vander huffs.

"I kinda like the idea-" Sarah clears her throat. "In theory, of course. But the concept is brilliant! We can find a way to use Marcus as bait, then go from there."

"All in favor?" Cassandra prompts.


"You aim like this," Tobias corrects Matilda posture, "then when you have your mark, squeeze the trigger."

Matilda lines the sight of the shotgun with the can. The .22 heavy in her arms, but not an unwelcome weight. She breathes deeply in, then slowly out, as shes seen her mother do many times. As the last of the air leaves her lungs, she shoots the can off the fence.

"Youre a natural!"

"Must be the genes." Matilda winks.

"Lets try out your mothers course, shall we?"

"Sounds great!"

Much like Caitlyn and Grayson, Tobias runs Matilda down the obstacle course. Matilda isnt a perfect shot like Caitlyn had been, but Tobias counts hitting any of the target a good shot.

Its Cassandra who takes the final target out. "Its time to come inside my loves."

"Yes dear." Tobias puts both rifles away, Matilda following Cassandra into the parlor.

"Is mom here?"

"Caitlyn!" Cassandra calls up the stairs.

"One moment please!" Caitlyn calls back.

"Go wait with your grandfather. We have things to discuss as a family. Its about Vi."

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