Chapter 11

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"Todays a big day. Preliminaries, inmates!" A guard smacks his cane against the cage next to him. The prisoner inside yelps in fear. "Quiet!" He clears his throat. "Four of you will die tonight. I dont care who. The last two remaining will be transfered to our last location. Tonight will be groups of three competing to come out on top."

"516, 409, and 378 will be one group."Vi eyes the two strangers shes pitted against. "821, 735, and 694 will be the other." She watches Sevika scan the remaining prisoners in the same fashion. "That said, enjoy the last meal most of you will have."

Vi digs into her slop, wanting to get everything said and done in a timely manor. Shes been gone long enough as is.


Caitlyn helps her mother with the folder the counsel requested. "Dear i am fine. Wasnt as deep as your wound."

"It still worries me. Let me do this for you. Please?" Caitlyn nearly begs.

"Fine, fine. Work this out of your system so we can look over all this with clear minds. We have a location, and we have the final location. According to Sarah, neither Vi nor Sevika will leave the last one alive."

"So the fight doesnt matter..." Caitlyn whispers, voice wavering at the end.

"Not to them. Now get a move on." Caitlyn holds her chin higher as they walk through the large doors.

"Ladies, welcome in!" Salo greets. Silco and Vander are sat in their borrowed seats. "Hoskel will be here shortly. We know how he is." The file is placed on a podium. "Is this all?"

"Yes, this is everything. And we have a plan." Caitlyn centers herself for the conversations about to be held.


"Watch this!" Powder shouts, throwing a live home made grenade into the shooting range. "Your turn!" She pulls the pin, tucks the latch into Matildas palm, then mimes a throw. "Just like i did!"

Matilda chucks the grenade in a similar direction, staring in awe as the plumes of dirt dissipate. "How did you learn to do this?"

"Purple. Next!" Powder hands her a new grenade with the pin still inside. "Pull the lever, Kronk!" The pin pops out, the grenade sailing through the air in the next following moments. "This is fun right?"

"Uh, kind of? But not really. Aunty PowPow, i just want my mommy back safe." Her head droops as she kicks the shooting shack.

"Hey now, none of that. Lets go find something productive." Matilda watches as Powder walks away. She picks up the last grenade, stuffing it in her pocket before following after.


Vi slumps against the bars after her victory, turning her head, unable to look at the lives she took.

"Pinky, ive got you something." Mara whispers to her from her seat. Vi raises a brow. Mara adjusts the side of her shirt, revealing something Vi cant identify.

"Whats that?" She whispers when Mara fixes her shirt.

"Your ticket home." Vi stares where she saw the silver device before simply resting in her spot.


"When the first set of bombs go off, thats when we go. Matilda, youre staying here with your grandparents."

"Fuck you, you cant make me!" She shouts at her mother.

"Excuse me? I will not tolerate this behavior. I understand what you feel like, and im sorry, i truly am sorry you cant come with. Its too dangerous. I cant lose you."

"Lose me like you lost my mom? After years of feeling an empty hole, its finally filled, and now i cant even be part of who gets to save her? How is that your choice?" Caitlyn takes a few deep breaths to calm herself.

"Thats not what happened. Its not fair you blame me."

"Let me go with, or no ones going." She pulls out the grenade.

"Pull that pin, i dare you." Powder snickers. The group consisting of Sarah Fortunes fleet leaders, Sarah herself, the group leaders Salo and Hoskel chose, Salo, Hoskel, the Firelight group leaders, Ekko, both sets of parents, Caitlyn, and Vis brothers all look at Powder like shes crazy.

"Fuck off with that!" Ekko goes towards her. Matilda pulls the pin.

The bomb explodes in glitter and paint. Powder laughs so hard she doubles over on the floor. "I knew you would try and something! Yall think im crazy? You should meet my sister!"

"Vi wouldnt kill a room of people over a tantrum." Mylo hisses.

"Wouldnt she though?" Mylo goes to open his mouth again, but instead chooses to stay silent. "Thats what i thought."

"Now that this is over," Cassandra interrupts, "we need to leave. Mara has everything prepared on her end. Vi is waiting for you."


Matilda watches them leave with scorn and heartbreak. "Im her daughter! Why cant i go?"

"Youre a child." Cassandra sits at the dining table.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Matilda snaps.

"Youve got the heart and attitude of both your parents." Tobias observes. "Become an Enforcer like your mother. You will understand, then, when youre older. I hate saying that, but its true."

"Dangerous enough strangers can be harmed, but too dangerous for her family to go?"

"Matilda, your mother asked us to stay behind. Your grandmother not so much, but its with my heavy heart i cant be there now. I will, however, check on her when she returns. I will make sure shes safe, and any injuries will be healed as fast as possible with modern medicine."

"Youre going to dose her with that Shimmer stuff?"

"Its a controlled dose. Concentrated. She wont look like the poor victims we see in the media. She will still be Vi."

"Are you lying to me?"

"I mean, her eyes could turn purple? But thats all i can see happening. And she will be in a lot of pain for a few seconds after the dose."

"Is it worth it?"

"Yes, my dove. I believe its worth it." Tobias joins his wife at the table. "Come sit, we will be having guests."

"Whos coming?"

"Mel Medarda wishes to meet you."

"Whos she?"

"The daughter of the Noxian army general whos helping bring Vi home. Well, not a whole army. A handful of troops. So i guess a- What am i looking for honey?"

"Theres twenty trained and seasoned soldiers, and herself." Cassandra takes a moment to think. "Squad?"

"That works." Tobias shrugs.

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