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The sun was beginning to set on awa'atlu as I returned from my hunt with my father and the hunters. I don't have a job as I'm in line to be tsahik if Aonung cannot find a mate or does not get to be olo'eyktan so I'm expected to drift between jobs, helping where I can.

I mostly stay on the beach with Tsireya and the other women in our tribe helping make food or teaching the younger ones to ride ilus. I mastered ilus when I was very young, my own ilu Keola is my go-to teacher for everything, she wasn't always easy. unlike Eleu, Keola is a bitch. she would take pride in smashing me into coral, throwing me off on the dive-in and would laugh in my face, and slap me with her fins. she came around eventually but it took many years.

Keola is probably the most precious and favorite ilu in our reef, when she was very young Keola saved my mother from an akula when she was out hunting with Keolas mother, koa. She was greatly rewarded and to be honest it was a surprise when she chose me, but my mother said we were very alike. uncontrollable.

somedays I spend with m mother in her medicine hut but she is so boring. constantly teaching me all of her medicines and how to interpret the eye of eywa, I am yet to understand it all but I hope I am doing eywa proud.

but the best job of all is when my father allows me outside of the reef to hunt.

I love hunting, it's another type of freedom outside of the reef, only the best hunters are allowed out at this time of year as it's Akula season. Akulas don't scare me though, they just remind me that theirs always something worse waiting for you out there on pandora.

As we swam closer to the shoreline I saw Tsireya waiting for me, I do feel bad for Tsireya when I go out hunting. I think she's jealous that I have a Tsurak while she's still riding ilus but she has no reason to have a Tsurak. She's devoted to staying inside of the reef devoting herself to crafts and cooking. Although I love Eleu I only really ride her to show off to others or to hunt as she's easier to handle when she isn't ridden consistently. when we reached the shore I ended my bond with Eleu letting her swim away to where one of the older boys take off all their gear.

" Lani! how was the hunt?" Tsireya smiled as I waded out of the water to meet her on the shore.

" alright I didn't do very much, mainly scouted for akulas but it's better than nothing." I smiled shaking the water off my body and looking around for aonung but instead, my eyes met with that same older omaticaya boy.

time skip


As I sat with my mother watching her get ready for dinner I began to daydream about aonung sister. I do not even know her name, but my god she's beautiful. brave too. I don't think Kiri would square up like that to me or Lo'ak, even though we do fight it's nothing like that. A few harsh words or a scratch but aonung's sister looked like she was out for blood and, to be honest, it was a turn-on.

She's my ideal woman. I can't stop thinking about her and I've not even spoken to her.

" neteyam I asked you something skxawng!" Lo'ak pulled my braid harshly snapping me out of my daydream as I screeched in pain.

" Lo'ak you! Mmmrh that hurt !" I shouted rubbing my head

" stop it both of you! I want you to be on your best behavior you hear me?" My dad snapped smacking the backs of our heads.

𝒪𝒸𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈-𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐱𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now