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No pov

08:23 am

Neteyam paced his mauri impatiently, Tsireya had left almost half an hour ago and Lani was still not there, it took under a minute to walk from  Lani's mauri to his, so what was taking her so long?

He heard the familiar high-pitched giggle coming into range and he smiled knowing it was Nalani, She walked into his mauri practically glowing.


"Are you the him 'Reya was on about?" she widened her eyes slightly and I nodded.

"yeah, I wanted to talk to you," I said in a monotone voice.

her head tilted and she smirked, crossing her arms as she stood in front of me.

"oh yeah? what about?" she grinned, her teeth peeping through her lips.

I took a sharp breath before speaking "Why were you all cuddled up on Lo'ak last night?"

Nalani's eyes widened "Neteyam I was just tired and he was there, why is it such a big deal we're friends?"

I stood dumbfounded before shaking my head. If I answered her question, I'd have to confess my feelings for her.
" no reason, it's just he's seriously into your sister and I don't want you getting the wrong idea with him. I'd hate to see a friend hurt." I crossed my arms defensively, my tail swishing as I spoke.

Nalani a face dropped as I said the word friend her scowl turning into a dull frown.
" Thanks for the heads up friend,"
she spoke in a slightly hostile tone, turning to leave my mauri. I stood unsure of what just happened, but I knew I'd dug myself into a deeper hole of an awkward relationship between me and Nalani.


8.54 pm

I delicately munched on the soft orange flesh of the fish my father had caught earlier as the sun began to set over awa'atlu, the purple-pink sky dotted with stars reflecting off the water.

I thought of my interaction with Neteyam earlier that morning.

"why had he been so jealous and cold? it was quite a contrast to his usual self; sweet, kind, adorable.." my thoughts became silent in my head.

"adorable? no, he isn't... okay neteyam is adorable, his little braids, his dimples when he smiles, the way his little bioluminescent freckles glow at night, his little yellow eyes... he absolutely was adorable but there was another side to him that was starting to creep out" I thought to myself as my legs swirled in the water making it glow a bluey-green, making small whirlpools as my freckles began to shine brighter. I always liked to think ever since I was a little girl, when I make the water do that, that I had magical powers, but I still like to pretend I'm magic even though I know it's not true.

I snapped out of my trance as I felt the floor of our mauri bounce under the weight of someone else entering my room, I craned my neck around to see my dad leaning against the doorway.

"boy's here to see you." he raised his eyebrow nodding to the front door where I could see a vague dark blue figure waiting.

I slipped my legs out of the water, my freckles fading as I stood up and walked out of my room, ducking under my dad's arm and walking to the front door where the exact omaticaya boy I was thinking about was.

"what do you want?" I raised my eyebrow waiting for an explanation about earlier from him.

"Just come with me," he spoke clearly, taking my hand and dragging me behind him, I obliged, slightly confused about where we were going.

We walked along the bouncy paths to the beach where the paths blended into the sand, we walked along the beach to the sparse patch of woods we had where our fruit was grown, he led me into the deepest part of the woods before stopping in front of the tallest tree.

"Can you climb?" he spoke softly, his yellow eyes glittering as they pierced into my soul.

"I mean yeah but what are we doing out here-" I spoke looking back towards where we came from, neteyam grabbed my chin gently and tilted my face up to look at him, I became aware of the size difference between us, I only came up to his chest. I gulped as he made me look up at him, Neteyam tilted his head to one side before speaking.

"so climb." he let go of my chin and grabbed a branch, pulling himself up into the tree, his back muscles flexing as he climbed.

mother of eywa that's hot.

9.08 pm

we reached the top of the tree where there was a sturdy branch, I sat down exhausted.

"I said I could climb but I meant nothing of this level" I groaned sitting down, my whole body was aching but Neteyam just laughed at me.

"so tell me, what are we doing up here? is this your way of apologizing to me for being an ass earlier?" I continued swinging my legs off the branch as I stared at the darker sunset through the leaves.

"straight to the point hm?" He grunted as he sat down next to me, his tail curling behind him, my own tail was swaying peacefully in time with me legs as they swung, waiting for his apology.

"Look I'm sorry, Lo'aks seriously into your little sister, I didn't want to see you hurt, but I was wrong and I apologise" he said smoothly, his voice raspy and laced with sorrow.

I turned my head to look at him, my tail swishing faster slightly.
"It's fine, just don't take that tone with me again or I'll knock you sideways" I teased nudging his shoulder with mine, he laughed and nudged me back.

" I'd like to see you try Hì'i payonang" he grinned
"Little fish?" I giggled tilting my head.
"You're tiny and you like water, so little fish" he explained chuckled as we both watching the last of the sun fade over the trees, we said nothing in a comfortable silence,his tail curling round mine.

Author's note
I am so sorry for how long I've  even gone in all honesty I forgot I had this account but I'm working on a few chapters to have out soon 💕

𝒪𝒸𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈-𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐱𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now