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A/N: Bella Prentiss, her baby and any other children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Chloe sat in the office at the BAU. She looked to see Morgan as he walked looking at her, she looked to him and raised an eyebrow at him

"what?" She asked as he looked to her and smirked

"nothing my mind is elsewhere" he said as she looked to him and frowned as Hotch walked past and looked to them. She looked to see a girl who stood with him

"everyone in the conference room in five minutes" he said as chloe sighed

"just part of the job" chloe said as she ran a hand through her hair as Morgan looked to her and smiled

She walked past jj and smiled "Chloe" jj said as Chloe smiled

"Jennifer" she said as she looked to her sister as Chloe smiled

"oh come on baby, you love working with me" Morgan said as chloe looked to him and rolled her eyes. She stood up and sighed as she stood up and grabbed her coffee as she walked off into the conference room as she sat down as Morgan sat next to her and smiled as she looked to Hotch

"Bradshaw college in Tempe, 6 fires in 7 months" Hotch said as chloe looked to the footage of a fire that had been recorded. She glanced across the table and sighed as she looked to Morgan beside her

"wheels up in 30" Hotch said as chloe sighed

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked the girl who stood with hotch

"Yeah...I'm Bella. Your Chloe right" Bella asked as Chloe looked to her and smiled.


"I'm Bella...I'm new" Bella said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"It's nice to meet you" Chloe said

Morgan sighed to herself as she got to Bradshaw college in Tempe. She stood from the car and sighed

"no badges I don't want to unSub to know that we got the fbi here" Gideon said as chloe raised an eyebrow at him

"try to look unofficial, less official" he said as he walked off.

"Come on chloe, let's go talk to the dean" Morgan said as Mia nodded. Chloe walked off with Morgan as they found the dean of the college. Chloe looked to see hotch and Bella as they stood talking. Chloe looked to them and frowned as she saw how intense they seemed to be

"ma'am, this ssa agent Morgan and I'm SSA agent jareau, we're from the fbi and we would like to talk to you over the number of fires that have been started on campus" chloe said

"obviously, I'd rather be meeting you under different circumstances" she said as she walked through the campus as chloe and Morgan followed her

"I'd be prepared to evacuate this campus" dean Ellen Turner said

"that brings with it, it's own problems" Morgan said

"it might evacuate the arsonist itself and then the case is unsolved" chloe said

Chloe walked out of the campus with Morgan and Reid as they heard the sound of the alarm go off. She looked to Morgan and frowned as he ran off and into the campus

"Morgan" chloe yelled as she went to walk after him as Reid grabbed her arm and smiled as she looked to him

"What the hell" Bella said as she joined them. Chloe and Bella held a look

"he'll be fine leave him" Reid said as chloe nodded. Chloe and bella walked over to where Hotch was as they looked to the burning building

"Chloe, the arsonist is more likely here, take as much pictures as you can" Reid said as chloe nodded

"you got it" she said as she grabbed her camera and started to take pictures as she looked to see Morgan as he dragged Gideon out of the burning building


Chloe sat as she looked over the footage of the fire and sighed. She was trying to work it all out but she couldn't. There was something that she couldn't but her finger on, Chloe sighed as she stood pacing the room as Morgan walked in and smiled

"you've been watching that footage for six hours, I thought you could use some food and a drink and maybe talk this over with someone" Morgan said as chloe looked to him and smiled

"I have nothing to think over" chloe said as Morgan looked to her and smiled

"focus that beautiful brain of yours. Your the expert of the little details, come on baby you know it" Morgan said as he took a hold of her hand in his. She looked to him and smiled.

She loved how supportive he was but she knew it always felt as if he was flirting with her in some way. Chloe looked to the screen as she looked to the video once more

"the handle, the door handle it turns three times" chloe said as she realised what she was looking at


"This is ocd but it's more extreme, I need to find Reid. I need his brain" chloe said as she stood up and grabbed the chicken nuggets he had brought her

"what, is my brain not good enough" he asked as she smirked

"no, not really" chloe said as she walked off

"oh I'm hurt" Morgan said as chloe walked out of the room


Chloe sat on the plane and smiled as she saw Hotch as he walked over to her and smiled

"are you okay?" Hotch asked as Chloe smiled

"she isn't what I thought she'd be the unSub, I guess I was expecting a guy"  Chloe said as Hotch looked to her and smiled

"I guess we just don't except what we get from some people" Hotch said as chloe smiled as she looked to the paperwork in front of her and smiled

"And what is going on with you and Bella?" She asked as he sighed

"I think a lot of her. She's great...she's pregnant" he said as chloe smiled

"Is it yours" Chloe asked as he nodded

"Look after her she's a great person" chloe said as hotch nodded

"I will"

"I'm going to try sleep, my head is battered" chloe said as she stood up and walked over as she lay on the couch next to Morgan who was half asleep. Morgan looked to her and smiled as she pulled a blanket over her as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into him

"I thought you didn't sleep on planes" he asked

"well it's better than the thoughts in my head" chloe said. Chloe knew that the secrets of her childhood was starting to effect her professionally but would it be to much for her to handle?

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