07-The fox

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Chloe stood in office at the bau. Her mind was elsewhere as Morgan walked over and looked to her

"What" she asked

"so are we going to talk over what is going on with us?" He asked as Chloe looked to him and sighed

"why do we have to put a label on it Morgan, we had fun" Chloe said as he looked to her and smirked

"we haven't even had sex Chloe , and the way you gave me a blow job on that jet, anyone could of saw us but they didn't . It was a risk and yet you did it. You know I like you" Morgan said as they walked out into the office as they realised that they were alone

"what are you afraid of Chloe , it's not as if I am asking you to marry me. Just let something happen with us. It could be great" Morgan said as they walked into the conference room.

Chloe looked up at him and sighed as she picked up a case file and paled as she read over the case and paled

"Come on Chloe, give me a reason" Morgan asked as she looked to him and sighed

"because..I'm scared" Chloe said as he looked to her and frowned

"scared of what? Of chlo, I won't hurt you" he said as she looked to him and smirked

"you can't say that Derek, you don't know how commitment scares me. I grew up in the perfect family but it wasn't perfect and my sister killed herself and my parents ignored me and it was just me and jj and..I've never had a relationship or anything. Okay" Chloe said as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"let me help you, let me help you to trust" he said as they held a look for a minute as bella walked in causing them to pull apart.

Bella looked to Chloe and smirked. She realised she had walked in on a intimate moment. Bella and Morgan sat down at the table As Hotch walked

"Crawford family, murdered three days ago. They were found on the basement of their house" Hotch said

"bags packed for a vacation they never took" JJ said

"report says a murder/suicide?" Morgan said as Chloe sat starring at the case.

"father stabbed the mom, then shot himself" morgan said

"it's the conclusion Maryland state police came to the gun was found next to father and had gunpowder on his hand" JJ said "and you have some compelling reason to think Chris. Crawford didn't off his family" Morgan asked

"yeah. Another murdered family, the millers found a month ago" JJ said as Chloe sighed "someone is making it a good job to look like murder suicide, if it is or not" Chloe said as she sat back in her chair and sighed knowing that her this case was going to be easy


Chloe got to the crime scene with Bella, she looked to the blood stain on the carpet and sighed

"How are you doing I mean your pregnant and I know things with hotch aren't easy" Chloe asked as Bella sighed

"It's tense but I am trying. I just want what is best for the baby and to try and make it work with hotch somehow" Bella said as Chloe smiled

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