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Chloe sat at her desk at the BAU. She sat playing with Her hair and signed to herself. Her head was a mess.

She had kissed Derek Morgan again and this time she couldn't blame it on the drink, she was completely sober and so was he. She sat across from Morgan as he smirked to her as bella walked in

"Reid failed his qualification" Bella said as Chloe sat up from where she was lying back in her chair

"he can retest" Chloe said

"yeah, but he's going to be embarrassed about it" Bella said as Chloe smiled

"well let's not say anything to him, not a word" Chloe said as she glanced across to Morgan who smirked

"not a word, about that anyway" he said as Chloe raised an eyebrow at him as Spencer walked in and sat at his desk. She looked as Morgan stood up as he grabbed something from as he walked over to Spencer

"hey, were all here for you. I'm serious, if you ever need anything just blow on it" Morgan said as he placed a whistle over Spencer neck. Chloe looked to him and shot him a glare

"can't you leave him alone"

"now now baby girl, I could think of something for you to wrap your lips around" Morgan teases as Chloe looked to him and rolled her eyes

"oh you'd be so lucky" Chloe said

Chloe looked as JJ walked over "hey, Franklin des plaines, yesterday afternoon three victims shot at distance. It's the third such shooting in two weeks" she said as she handed out case files. Chloe sighed as she took the file from her as she read from it. Chloe looked to her sister and smiled

"LDSK" Hotch said as

"huh" Bella said "long distance serial killers" Reid said as Chloe frowned

"have we actually caught any of this using a profile" Chloe  asked

"nope" Bella said as Chloe sighed as she stood up. She stood next to Morgan unaware of how he was looking at her and smirking at her.

Chloe knew what had happened with them and she knew that they were something but they didn't know and they didn't talk about it but she knew it would only be so long before they had to talk over it


Chloe sat in the conference room as Hotch briefed the team on the victims

"two weeks, three shouting incidents, six victims all shot in the abdomen" Hotch said as Chloe looked through the file

"and nothing links the victims?" She asked as Hotch shock his head

"the good news is all the park victims are going to make it, the bad is none of the, saw anything" JJ said

"so the profile is all we have, without a witness" Morgan said as Chloe looked to him and sighed

Chloe got the crime scene with Morgan, Bella and Hotch. "He had to been shooting from up here, I mean it's the only way he could of got to the three victims" Chloe said as she glanced around at the three cones that marked the victims and where they were

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