03-Won't get fooled again

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Chloe sat as she looked at evidence from a bomb explosion and sighed "so what are we thinking terrorism or what?" Chloe asked as she grabbed Morgan coffee of of of the side

"we don't know yet but it was delivered personally, and get off my coffee. I don't sleep with you. You don't get my coffee" Morgan said as Chloe sat looking at the pipe bomb and looked to Morgan and rolled her eyes

"oh, you'd be lucky to sleep with me" Chloe said as Hotch walked in with Bella

"How are you feeling" Chloe asked. She knew bella was pregnant and she could tell that Bella was tired

"I'm okay" Bella said. She looked to see the glanced between bella and hotch and frowned. Chloe knew how they weren't together but they were having a baby together and she could see that there was something going on

"looks like we're going to palm beach" Hotch said as Chloe nodded. Chloe sighed as she stood up and walked out of the room as Morgan grabbed her arm and smiled

"are you okay chlo you seem off" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine, I'm sure you'll enjoy working with Bella, she's pretty" Chloe said as Morgan chuckled

"you and Bella are friends I don't see why your jealous because she's having a baby with hotch" Morgan asked as Chloe looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I'm not jealous, I just like to work on the cases with you, you know that" Chloe said as Morgan looked to her and smiled

"I like working with you too" Morgan said as Chloe looked to him and smiled

Chloe got to palm beach's as she stood by the exploded car with Bella

"do you think he was going to deliver it, he's the only victim of the explosion that didn't get the impact in the house, there's something off about it" Chloe said as bella looked to her

"who knows, we need to talk to clurman maybe he titled it and it went off by accident" Bella said as Chloe nodded

"how come Morgan isn't here?" Bella asked

"I didn't know you were interested in Morgan"

"I'm not, not like that" Bella said as Chloe nodded "he wanted to look over the bomb pieces, he stayed behind" Chloe said as bella nodded.

"You and Morgan are close, I know what you have been through with your sister, your family and so does Hotch does anyone else?" Bella asked as Chloe looked to her and shock her head

"no, Morgan it's not something I like to talk over jj knows as she's my sister but my family and my sister what happened . It's not something I like to talk over" Chloe said

Chloe sighed to herself as she got to a crime scene with a bomb. She looked to see a little girl who held the box and sighed, she stood with Bella and Hotch. Chloe looked as hotch wrapped an arm around bella. Chloe knew how they were thinking over how it was their baby

"I'm going to call Morgan" Bella said as Chloe looked to her and saw tears in her Chloe knew how Bella was trying to distract herself and it felt bad. She looked as hotch looked after bella and smiled

She knew that there was something going on with them both and it worried her as she knew her head was a mess when it came to them.

"You care about her don't you?" Chloe asked

"She's having my baby"

"It's more than that" Chloe said

Chlow got to suspects work. She walked in with Hotch as she drew her gun. She stood on the score fo the door as she opened it and saw a supply cupboard. She looked as Hotch pulled out a small mirror to look In the mirror to look around the room

"David Walker, federal agents" Hotch said as he looked to Chloe as he gave her the signal as they walked into the room. They saw the suspect

"Walker freeze" Hotch said as he pulled the gun at him

"please don't shot" he said as he hide behind some storage boxes

"show yourself ill shot up the whole room" Hotch said

"my hands on the remote, I told you what I want the passport, the helicopter, the flight" Walker said

"your on the top of the fbi most wanted list I think that you are smart enough to know there's no way we're letting you go, here's my counter offer all you have to do is give yourself up to stay alive" Hotch said

"okay, I'm coming out" Walker said as they heard Gideon over the radio

"get out of there now" he yelled as they ran out of the room along with the back up police officers. Hotch grabbed Chloe and pulled her away as they stood against the wall

"are you okay?" Hotch asked as Chloe nodded

Chloe got back home and stood in a club as she saw Morgan. She took a sip of her drink and sighed as he walked over to her "hey baby girl" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"don't call me that" Chloe said

"okay chlo, what's going on" he asked as she looked to him

"we've been friends for ages and I thought we could be honest with each other especially when it includes that fact your flirting with Bella , she's my best friend"

"oh that hurts. I thought I was your best friend" Morgan said as Chloe shot him a look

"whatever Morgan" Chloe said as she took a sip of her drink as he looked to her

"you really do amaze me and if I didn't know any better I would think that you were jealous" Morgan said as Chloe looked to him

"and why would I be jealous? It's just harmless, right?"

"Right" Chloe said as he wiped the lipstick away from the side of her mouth.

She felt her breathe Hitch in her throat as she looked to him asking herself just what was going on with her and Morgan unaware of how messy things were about to become between them

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