04-Plain sights

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Chloe stood in the bau as they surrounded Reid. He had a birthday cake in front of him. Chloe looked to Morgan as bella stood beside her

"come on an, blow, baby, blow" Morgan said as Reid tried to blow the candles out. Chloe looked to him and shock her head

"they're trick candles, Reid, ok? They're going to come back on every time. Mr funny man here thinks it's funny" Chloe said as Morgan grabbed the side of Morgan's birthday hat

"oh mommy to the rescue"

"mommy?" Reid said as Chloe chuckled

"who's your mommy" Chloe said as Morgan looked to her and smirked

"Well I'm going to be someone's mommy and if you two aren't careful it will be you" Bella said as she looked to Chloe

"your a naughty girl Chloe jareau" Morgan said as Chloe looked to him and smirked. Chloe looked to bella and smiled as she stood watching Hotch and rolled her eyes. Chloe walked over to Bella and smiled

"you really have it bad don't you?" Chloe asked as Bella frowned

"what do you mean?"

"I mean that your pregnant with hotchs baby and the two of you are getting closer. There's more going on with you other than the fact he's your baby daddy" Chloe said as bella sighed

"he doesn't want me that way. He wants to focus on the baby" Bella said as Chloe frowned. Bella looked sad at the idea

"how do you mean?"

"I mean we're getting along but he said with all that's going on how he wants us to get on for grace..the baby" Bella said as Chloe frowned

Hotch walked over to them and smiled "sorry, girls party's over" he said as Chloe looked to him and sighed as she realised that they had another case.

Chloe sighed as she grabbed her coffee off of the side and took a sip as she walked into the conference room. She smiled as she saw Morgan and sat down next to him as Hotch and JJ walked in with cases files

"were going to San Diego" Hotch said

"not for the surfing huh?" Morgan asked

"they're calling him the Tommy killer, six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks" Hotch said. Chloe looked at the case file and sighed

"well it's safe to say he has a short fuse". Chloe said as she sat back in her chair

"and getting short first two were eight days apart, the next four in two weeks" Hotch said

"see you on the plane" he said

"how come the Tommy killer?" Bella asked as they made eye contact which Chloe noticed

"the unsub glues the victims eyes wide open" Hotch said as Chloe shuttered

"he wants them to see him" Bella said "and feel them" Chloe said

Chloe sat on the plane as she looked through the crime scene photos.

"So whatever the unsub used to kill her, he brought it with him and took it with him" Bella said as Chloe looked to the photos and sighed

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