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Chloe got to the crime scene with the team. Chloe was trying to forget what had happened with her and Morgan hours ago and how they had almost had sex.

Chloe looked to bella and rolled her eyes. She knew that Bella was eyeing up Hotch and she knew that as much as the two of them acted as if there was nothing going on,  she knew that she wasn't stupid and she had eyes. Chloe knew how Bella was pregnant and having his baby and she knew that there was more going on then Bella being pregnant

Chloe glanced around the crime scene that looked to be a cosy little home

"I was teaching at a in -service at the Baltimore field office when this came in. Baltimore's PDs seen some grisly stuff but never anything like this" Morgan said as he looked to his case file

Chloe looked to him and raised an eyebrow at him knowing he wasn't teaching and just what they were about to get up to as they got the call.

Chloe was glad that they didn't end up having sex but she also knew how scared that she was to actually sleep with Derek. She knew it was different with him.

He was different and he made her feel different and she was glad as he made her feel alive and she knew it was what she needed and wanted but it terrified her and made her feel vulnerable.

Chloe looked to him and smirked

"We've e got two bodies I.Dd as William and Helen dimarco, retired, lived here for 37 years and no kids. Neighbour reports a white male 20-40 years old fleeing the scene and I quote 'hooped up on those damn drugs' " Morgan said as they walked upstairs towards the bedroom

"so far it sounds like a standard double homicide. Why are we here" Hotch said as they walked into the bedroom and saw the blood that was splattered all over the walls, and all over the room

"massive overkill" Morgan said

"you don't say and I thought they were redecorating I hear red is in this year" Chloe said as bella chuckled.

"Helen dimarco wad found here, tied to the chagrin front of the vanity, no defensive wounds. Ligature marks around the wrists, one clean laceration from ear to ear" Morgan said as he gesturing slitting the throat.

"Looks arterial probably the carotid at least she went quickly" Bella said

"The husband William was found in the shower, but he wasn't quite as lucky. Ligature marks on the wrist and ankles and one long laceration up the abdomen through both layers of muscles" Morgan said as chloe walked to the shower and looked to the blood that was in it and frowned

"so was he the target?"

" I don't think so" Morgan said

"this does show some sort of method, order, control. They know what they are doing" Chloe said

"there was signs of torture with the husband, burns, contusions. Lacerations, you name it. This guy tried it" Morgan said

"we have three victims, if you look at the love of the ring in the tub, whoever was in it lost their entire blood volume" Chloe said

"approximately 10.6 pints" Reid said "which means the victim was dismembered" Bella said

"looks like our guy took all the parts with him" Morgan said

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