01-Extreme aggressor

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Chloe stood in the bar with derek. She looked to him and rolled her eyes as she saw him flirting with a groups of woman. She knew it was always the same every time that they went out together, she took a sip of her drink as Derek walked over to her

"we need to go I had a call chlo" derek said as he walked over to her, Chloe looked to him and nodded as she downed her drink. She walked out of the bar with him and sighed

"so no luck with the lady's?" She asked as he looked to her and rolled his eyes

"says the girl who has all the guys looking after her" derek said as Chloe looked to him and smiled

"if I didn't know better I'd say that you were jealous" Chloe said as he looked to her and rolled his eyes as they drove to the office.

Mia had been working at the B.A.U for a few months and she had found herself getting close to derek Morgan, they were great friends and she knew that was all they were.

Chloe soon found herself on the jet with the rest of the B.A.U team as she read through the case file "they're calling him the Seattle strangler" Chloe said as Morgan sat opposite her

"he stabbed her and then strangled her to finish her off?" Morgan asked as Chloe shock her head

"other way around. Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?" Gideon asked

"its probably took to long" Reid said as Chloe sat back

"so he stabbed her instead" Chloe said as she rubbed her forehead as Morgan looked to her and smiled "are you okay baby?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine, I just like to know what goes on in these unSubs heads when they do this" Chloe said as Morgan looked to her and smiled

"you and me baby?" He said as Chloe looked to him and smiled


Chloe got to the victim of the brothers house with Morgan as they went to interview the brother. Morgan looked to her and smiled

Morgan knocked on the door and looked as the brother of the victim answer "mr woodland, I'm SSA agent Derek Morgan, this is SSA agent Chloe jareau we are from the FBI we wanted to ask you a few questions?" Morgan asked as he looked to them and nodded

"of course" he said as they walked into the house

Chloe frowned as she saw car catalogs on the side and picked them up "does your sister drive a Datsun Z?" Chloe asked

"no, but she's in the market for one, how'd you know?" He asked as Chloe held the catalog up as Chloe and Morgan held a look. Chloe looked as David lead the dog out of the room

"what you thinking baby?" Morgan asked

"if you were going to coax a woman into your car what would you do? If your posing as a seller?" Chloe asked as Morgan looked to her and sighed

"offer her a test drive" Morgan said as Chloe nodded

Chloe got to the office and sighed as she looked to the profilers case. Morgan walked over to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I don't know, I feel like we are missing something, this person helped the police, theyll have defensive wounds and I just don't think it's that kid that was picked up. It's got to be someone stronger and smarter" Chloe said as Morgan smiled

"you have instinct follow them, your a good accent baby, you know it" Morgan said as Chloe looked to him and smiled and then frowned

"what?" Morgan asked

"I think that there's a second killer, I think he knows who is doing this and he is doing it. I just can't prove it" Chloe said

"I'll tell Hotch" Morgan said as she looked to him and smiled

Chloe got to the suspects house as she stood looking through the bathroom cupboards, she looked to see Morgan has he lay on the bed

"what are you doing?" Chloe asked

"putting my self into the form of the patient" he said as she looked to him and smiled. He stood from the bed as he looked to the cd rack

"I need your help, I need to find a cd with scratches on. See what he listens to the most" Morgan said

"you think it's the unSub?" Chloe asked

"I'm more than sure right now, and it's the only way to get into this kids head" Morgan said as Chloe nodded.

Chloe sat on the floor and sighed "he's going to kill her, we need that password" Chloe said as Reid walked in

"I think that we have missed the obvious" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"and that is?" Chloe asked as he pulled out a disk from the laptop that was covered in scratches

"that is why you are a genius Reid" chloe said as the laptop loaded up to A live feed.

Heather was alive and was trapped in a cage. Chloe looked to Morgan and sighed "she's alive, but time is running out. Gideon needs to find her before it's too late, she's going to die" Chloe said as Morgan sat next to her as they looked to the video

"the light is moving" Reid said as Chloe frowned

"the room is moving?"

"Or the ocean. They're on a boat" Morgan said


Chloe stood in the shipyard as she looked as Gideon helped heather into the ambulance "she may be okay physically but emotionally. She won't." Chloe said

"are you talking over heather or yourself" Hotch asked as Chloe looked to him and sighed

"I don't know, we're going to be late" Chloe said as she walked off as she felt the cold Seattle air hit her as she walked off looking as the ambulance drove off reminding herself how not everyone was saved

Chloe sat working on a report as Hotch walked over to her "hey" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"you look tired" he said as she smiled

"I don't really sleep much flying" she said as he nodded

"I see it you know, you and Morgan" Hotch said as Chloe looked to him and frowned

"what about me and Morgan?" Chloe asked

"you know there's regulations about sleeping with co agents?" Hotch asked as Chloe looked to him and sighed

"you don't need to tell me, I know and Morgan and I are friends and colleagues. I'm not sleeping with him" Chloe said as she glanced across at a sleeping Morgan and sighed to herself but would Chloe and Morgan ever be more than friends?

Passionate desires •D.Morgan•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang