05-Broken mirror

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Chloe sat at her desk at the BAU, she was still hungover. All that she could think over was the kiss that she and Morgan had. She couldn't stop thinking over it and it was driving her mad.

Bella walked over and handed her a coffee, Chloe looked to her and smiled

"thanks" Chloe said as she took a sip of it

"if you ask me, you look as if you need it. So do you want to tell me what the hell happened last night" Bella asked as Morgan walked in. Chloe looked to him and felt awkward.

She felt awkward as she thought over the kiss that they had. It was running through her head and she couldn't stop thinking over it.

Chloe looked to see Morgan and Reid who were talking

"there's no code of conduct that says agents can't socialise" Reid said

"well, see my code of survival says never mess with a woman who carries a gun" Morgan said as Chloe looked to him and rolled her eyes.

She knew it was awkward between them "maybe you should try and follow your own rules" Chloe said as she stood up from her desk. She looked to see Morgan as he sat down as she went to walk past him as he grabbed her arm

"baby girl" he said as she rolled her eyes

"don't call me that" she said as Morgan smirked slightly

"you never had a problem with it before, or last night when you had your hands all over me" Morgan said

"forget it Morgan, just forget it" Chloe said

Chloe was embarrassed over what had happened and she couldn't believe that she had actually ended up kissing Morgan and liking it.

She knew that they were friends, they were best friends and now she felt as if the kiss between them would change everything. Bella walked after Chloe and frowned

"what?" Chloe asked as she refilled her coffee

"nothing, well I was just curious over what happened with you and Morgan as you are treating him like a bad smell" Bella asked as Chloe looked to her and sighed

"it's a long story" Chloe said knowing that it was the last thing she wanted to talk about as Hotch walked over

"girls, the document is up on the screen over the abduction of trash davenport" Hotch said as Chloe nodded. She walked off into the conference room with grace and sighed as she saw Morgan

"you want to know what happened, we kissed" Chloe said as she sat down across from Morgan.  Chloe sighed as she picked up the letter from the abductor and signed as she read through it

"8pm?" Bella asked Hotch as he nodded "it gives us less than nine hours to get to Connecticut, work up victimology on trick davenport and prepare her father for the ransom drop" Hotch said

"how do we know the letter is real" Chloe asked "the handwriting is a match for trishs, he dictated it to her and they found saline on the paper" Hotch said as Chloe sighed

"she was crying when she was writing it" Chloe said

Chloe sat on the jet on the way to Connecticut "is everyone familiar with the father?" Hotch asked

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