Chapter Twenty Two

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Our two weeks in Nakuru had been epic. Obviously we had challenges especially when it came to River and strenuous activities but I was used to it so it had been easy to navigate through it all.

Everything was fine and dandy until we came back to Nairobi and revisited a conversation that made River uncomfortable.

"I can't believe you're kicking me out."River exclaimed as I zipped up her boots for her.

She thought that refusing to put on her shoes meant we weren't going anywhere but she forgot that I had hands too.

"Waridi I'm not kicking you out."I retorted feeling like we were going around in circles.

When I had first broached the subject a week prior while in Nakuru, River had taken it badly but she had promised to think about it. Apparently she hadn't and now we were fighting over it. It was our first ever argument as a couple which did not please me at all. I didn't like being at odds with my girl.

"Then how do you explain what you're trying to do?"River asked with a pout as I helped her with her second boot.

"We are going house hunting because now that you're staying in Kenya, you need some independence."I repeated having her the same conversation two days in a row.

I would never force River to move out but my mom's words about River being young and infatuated with me wouldn't stop ringing in my mind. I wanted River to experience some form of freedom that didn't come with living with me. She needed to become her own person first before being mine forever. She had jumped straight from father's mansion to my humble studio apartment and that was not good for her. She thought it was but I was older than her and I knew better. I didn't want her to wake up one morning hating me for forcing her to live with me. I'd been the one to instigate us living together after her accident but she was all better now and I knew she had learnt her lesson.

"But I don't want to be on my own."River cried with a huff.

"There's nothing to be scared of."I consoled finishing up with her shoes.

I sat down next to her on the sofa lace up my boots as well. River and I found ourselves coordinating our outfits all the time. At first it had been weird but we had learnt to embrace it and view it as one of those things we liked to do as a couple.

"Scared? Who said I was scared? I'm not scared."River scoffed her pitch getting higher with each statement.

Of course my girl was scared, she would never admit that but I was not abandoning her, just removing the training wheels but still holding onto the seat.

"Yes you are and its okay. You've never been on your own before, let alone in a strange country but I will be with you every step of the way."I encouraged.

"But you are already with me by letting me live with you."River pleaded.

I got to my feet and helped her up handing her the purse she liked best with everything she'd need already in it.

"I'm not abandoning you River, I'm just buying you your own set of wheels but I'm right behind you."I said ushering her out of the house and locking the door.

River knew she couldn't match my strength physically so she didn't even try to fight me as I took her hand and led her downstairs.

"That's a terrible metaphor and besides I hate driving, I love being your passenger princess."My girl declared with a pout.

River knew how to drive, I'd seen her driving license and even convinced her to drive once while in Nakuru but she didn't like it.

"And you always will be, just imagine getting your new house, decorating it how you want. Buying new things, you love shopping."I enticed.

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