reading date ~ Olli

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Situation: Olli and Y/N have been in a relationship for seven years. They have planned a reading date where they will sit together on a couch and read different books. After a while, they will discuss their books and then resume reading. During this time, Y/N will hide a note in Olli's book, informing him that they are expecting a baby.


Olli and I had been together for seven incredible years, and our love only seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. We shared a deep bond, united by our mutual love for books and each other. Our cozy apartment was like a sanctuary, filled with shelves overflowing with novels of every genre. One sunny Saturday afternoon, I suggested the idea of a reading date.

 "Why don't we spend the day curled up on the couch, reading our favorite books?"

 I proposed, a smile playing on my lips. Olli's eyes lit up at the suggestion. 

"That sounds perfect," 

he replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm. 

"I'll make some hot cocoa, and we can just relax and enjoy each other's company."

As we settled onto the plush couch, surrounded by stacks of books, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. This was our little haven, where we could escape into worlds of fantasy and adventure together. With our chosen books in hand, Olli and I began to read in comfortable silence, the only sound the soft rustle of pages turning. Olli lost himself in the intricate plot of his novel, while I delved into the lyrical prose of mine. After a while, we set aside our books and began to talk about what we had read, sharing our thoughts and insights.

"This character is so relatable," 

I remarked, gesturing to the protagonist in my book. 

"I love how the author captures their struggles with such authenticity."

"I know what you mean," 

Olli replied, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. 

"The world-building in my book is incredible. It's like I can picture every detail vividly."

As we continued to chat, I felt a flutter of excitement in my stomach. This was the perfect moment to share news that would change our lives forever. Carefully, I slipped a small note between the pages of Olli's book, my heart racing with anticipation. The note read: "We're going to be parents." Minutes turned into hours as Olli and I continued to read and talk, lost in our worlds. But as Olli reached the end of his book, he discovered the note hidden inside, his heart skipping a beat at the words written on the page. Looking up, he met my gaze, his eyes shining with emotion. 

"Y/N... is this...?"

I nodded, a wide smile spreading across my face. 

"Yes, Olli. We're going to have a baby."

Olli's heart swelled with joy as he pulled me into a tight embrace. 

"That's incredible news! I can't believe we're going to be parents!"

I smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over me at Olli's positive reaction. 

"I'm so glad you're excited, Olli. I couldn't imagine embarking on this journey with anyone else."

As we held each other close, surrounded by the warmth of our love and the promise of a new beginning, I knew that our lives were about to change in the most beautiful way possible. As we looked ahead to the future, filled with hope and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead, I felt grateful for the love that we shared and the bond that united us, knowing that whatever challenges we faced, we would face them together, hand in hand.

 A/N: here is the next one, I hope you like it. feedback is appreciated. Take care and I love you guys<3

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