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A/N: Can't wait to hear your reactionssss! Love u :)


The word appeared in her mind as she lay in her bed, restless and unable to find sleep. Rolling onto her side while closing her eyes and taking deep breaths, she attempted to lull herself unconscious. The air hummed like it was electrically charged. The buzzing wouldn't allow her to sleep. Plus, she was apparently now hearing voices.

Feyre, come to me.

Utterly male and luxurious, the voice was a silk caress against her mental shields. Fantom claws scraped slowly along the back of her mind. Sensual shivers snaked down her spine. Leering into the darkness, she pondered if she may be going mad.

Come see.

The voice urged her out of bed. Huffing, she decided maybe a walk around Tamlin's gardens might clear her head and allow her to finally get some rest. Or so she hoped. Shoving her feet into her boots, she tugged her hair between her fingers until a heavy braid hung down her back. She shoved her arms through the soft sleeves of her coat.

Lighting a candelabra, she lit her way down the silent hallway with the light of her flickering flame. Orange shadows danced across the stones, mimicking monstrous forms. She tried to ignore the gnashing teeth and haunting hollow eyes she saw within those shadows from her periphery.

She was truly losing it. Shaking her head in an attempt to clear the irrational thoughts, she headed down a back hallway she'd found during her snooping. Creaking open a side exit, Feyre emerged into the misted night air. A slight chill wedged its way into her, causing her to hug herself, wrapping her coat tighter around her torso.

Come to me, the voice purred into her mind again. An invisible string knotted behind her navel and yanked her forward into the night. Dew coated her boots as she crunched through the grass. She had no idea how she knew where to go, but she knew it absolutely. Getting there was as easy as knowing her own name.

She walked until she was faced with the gaping mouth of a cave. Inside was utter, swirling darkness. Holding her candelabra higher, she walked forward. Whatever was calling her had to be in this cave. Visibility was low inside the cavern. She couldn't see more than a few feet in front of her. She walked deeper inside, unsettled by the complete absence of light around her. She got halfway to the back of the cave when she felt it.

A presence behind her. A large presence. The person was huge. She felt those same ghost claws run across the back of her neck and shuddered with a gasp. Before she could turn to see the figure, they leaned forward and blew out the small flame.

Plunged into the pitch black, she whimpered. She couldn't even see the mouth of the cave anymore, almost like she had been surrounded by shadows. She felt two more bodies then, and clapped her hand over her mouth, desperately trying not to cry.

She was so, so foolish. These monsters had used their mind control to seduce her into the dark alone and she'd willingly and blindly allowed them to do. She prayed that whatever creatures lurked in the shadows wouldn't hurt her.

"There you are," a deep, lavish voice coaxed into the air in front of her face, so close she could feel the spearmint brush of his breath, smell the musky citrus scent of him. "I've been looking for you."

"M-me?" Feyre asked, her voice trembling and giving her away immediately.

"She's so fragile," the voice to her left said.

"Breakable," the one on the right agreed.

Fear was a centipede crawling up her spine and burrowing into her skin. The panic festered inside of her chest like an open wound. She could feel their eyes on her body, leering at her most vulnerable areas. They could see in the dark. Which meant...

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