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"Rhys?" Feyre said softly, gently knocking on his office door. He scooted his chair back slightly, looking over to her.

"Yes, Feyre Darling?"

"Can I talk to you?" She bit her lip, shifting her weight on her feet awkwardly.

"Of course you can," he said sweetly, beckoning her over. She walked to him, and he lifted her up onto his desk the way he had many times before, running his hands up her thighs and looking at her with concern clearly painted on his features. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure," she admitted. "I think I feel lonely." Cassian and Azriel had just gotten back today from a two week-long trip to Illyria, and Rhys had been buried in work and had barely had any time to spend with her.

"How can I make it better?"

"Can you hang out with me right now?" She asked, knowing it was hard for him to step away from work, but knowing she needed him. His brow furrowed. He was being so gentle with her, so caring.

"Sure, baby," he nodded. "Do you want Az and Cass?"

She nodded, tears welling in her eyes as she grabbed a fist full of his shirt.

"Don't cry, sweetheart," he pleaded. "They're on their way now."

He must have spoken to them mind-to-mind to ask them to come to his office. It was only minutes before they were all together again, and Feyre's heart squeezed in her chest. Rhysand picked her up, having her wrap her legs around his torso as he carried her to their bedroom, and Cassian and Azriel followed behind. They all changed into sweatpants, climbing on their bed in a pile as they just enjoyed being together.

"What's been on your mind, Fey?" Azriel asked her, rubbing her leg soothingly.

"I just really miss you guys when you're gone," she confessed, tears falling without her permission. She went to angrily wipe them away, but Cass caught her wrist and placed her hand back in her lap, using his thumb to slowly and softly wipe her tears.

"We miss you, too, sweetheart," Cassian promised. "I hate being without you."

"Promise we can spend more time together like this?" She asked, looking to each of them.

"Promise," they all nodded in unison.

"Thank you," she whispered, squeezing Cassian's hand in her own.

She leaned forward and pressed a slow kiss to Cassian's lips, and he reciprocated, his hand tangling in her hair as he held her to him, kissing her with slow, deep passion. Once she pulled back, she turned to Rhysand, giving him a slow kiss as well, before she did the same with Azriel. She felt so connected to them right now, and she wasn't even sure how to make them all feel as loved as she felt.

"You know, Feyre," Azriel murmured. "It's very important to me that you know our Bond is more than just sex to me. I know we all very much enjoy it, but you can always come talk to me when you need to. I'll be a listener or shoulder to cry on. Whatever you need. You're so important to me, and I don't want you suffering with these heavy feelings all on your own."

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