Can it possibly

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So I never imagined that my oldest would called me a neglectful mother!!!!! Yes!!!! Can you believe me from all my kids she was always supportive in that way. Always backed me up and saying how wonderful I was and how I'm something's I can fix. But this time she went to my jugular. She said Jayden looks neglected, he doesn't look kept up. He lost too much weight it made me cry. In my head I'm like what?!?!? That is not possible this kid is fine he is a healthy size not small not big he is tall and healthy. The she goes for his clothes. His clothes are too small they barely fit him and I'm like I just bought him some clothes, I did not his dad. Backstory on the father he doesn't really give a fuck of why he needs he just likes to argue I'm trying to convince me he doesn't need them and makes me cry about it. Anywho. My daughter said that if I need money to buy him clothes to let her know. She says he looks so unhappy and he has low self esteem and she made this observation in one time and hasn't seen him in two weeks. Those prior weeks she said nothing to me. Then I hear my mom say the same shit and I'm like oh hell mo my mom cannot be in this shit. She's the mastermind in all. She thinks shes the best parent out here and has explicitly said my kids will be better with her . My own mother to keep saying those words are so damn cruel. I really feel like maybe she's right but then the person who's been dealing with all by myself says no. I've tried to be good and be there like what the hell. I don't know what else to do. It just feels as if I'm supposed to drown and not be ok. My girls are very unhappy and I feel like they are better off away from me. My lil guy is innocent doesn't know much of the pain that has been caused. I think sometimes I feel like is better if my girls just never speak to me again even it kills me. I want them happy and when they are around me they look miserable. So that makes me feel so rejected. And my mom is so pushy, I don't know what to do

Fuck Blended FamiliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora