Bleeding love

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How hard is it to be nice?! It must be hard right!!!!?? Well, you expect me to be nice and caring and show emotions towards your girls!!!! Have you been doing that for my kids????! No!!!!!!!! You haven't!!! Today I order pizza for me and my lil guy and this man had the audacity to ask me if I bought enough for everyone! You must think well their kids you should also share?? Right?! Well NO!!! I didn't think of them. Why should I, he doesn't do the same for mine not even his own biological son. He prefers worrying about his freaking daughters than anyone else. He doesn't give a shit about anyone else. So this mofo got his girls ready, kind you teenagers and left to go it without inviting our son. He didn't even want to tell him where he was going. What a piece of shot he is!!! I'm so hurt and angry that he wants to make me look like the bad guy. He has this power of me to make me feel like shit. I don't think I did anything wrong. His kids never offer my son food. If my son ask for something especially the 15 year old she is so selfish she denies him of it. He doesn't see a problem there. But he gets mad at me, that shit is not cool. At all!!! I'm so angry at all of them!!! I just don't know when this shit gonna end. I really need to get away!!! I just haven't been able to get out!! I just don't know how to deal with my emotions anymore. I just feel like screaming at him!! I want to just tel him how piece of shit he is!!! And maybe one day I will be able to do it.

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