Never again

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You know that saying, " Never again will I cross this road". Well let me tell you something I will never be in another blended family. It's a waste of time and effort. I don't want to bother raising anybody else's kids. Do your job as a parent and don't expect someone to come rescue yours when all you do is sit on your ass get that money. I am exhausted mentally and can't do it anymore. I have my own responsibilities and you expect me to take over your role??! I don't think so!!! I can't, call me selfish or whatever you want but I can't. You and your kids don't deserve me and never will. You didn't raise them to appreciate anything. You raise them to be needy and not be able to be self sufficient. You expect so much from me but can't give me a fraction of your attention. You don't have kind words for me or my family. You and your family blame me for speaking up and saying No!!! And say it's my fault this marriage and family isn't working out. Doesn't your mom realize what they did to you! How they raised you and how selfish you are and heartless you are towards me. It seems they enjoy you being mean to me and my kids. And the pray and act like they are these sweet humble people when all they have done is treat us like we are less than. Remember what goes up will someday come down. You and your people will not always be ok and you will realize what you have done and you will see the pain in your loved ones. Life has a way of punishing us for causing pain to others. I may not be ok and independent but I am working on it and that day will come. My family and I will succeed and we won't be in your hands anymore. That day is coming very soon!!! Rest assured that karma will be knocking on your door and your family. I touch my heart in so many occasions because of the love I have for you but this too shall end. Nothing last forever, especially when not treated properly. You have put other peoples feelings before me and shown me in multiple occasions my feelings don't matter to you. You have insulted me in front of my kids to defend your friends. You have let others disrespect me and still consider them more important than me. How many times did you expect me to put your kids feeling before my kids. In what right mind do you think that was gonna be ok??! Like that's so obnoxious, you blame for not helping you with them. You basically made my kids feel like burdens everyday other day. I'm your wife and you still treated me like my word meant nothing to you. That is why your kids don't take me seriously and take advantage of the situation. Let me be clear! Life is about to change for all of us and this will shock you.

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