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It seems so common when your the only one that can have things. I mean why is it only you and your daughters that can enjoy old things. You take it out on me and my girls because we are able to do fun things. You get mad if I buy food and don't buy for your daughters but when do they ever offer me anything. When do you offer my girls anything ??? You don't buy them anything, why should I? Why do you feel so fucken entitled??? You and your stupid family think that you guys are above us. It's fucken infuriating that you act this way. You try to pin it on me!!' I'm so over you and this fucken relationship. I'm so done!!! I can't with you no more!!! I just want out!!! I want to leave and never see you again!!! I can't!!!!!! You are a selfish, arrogant, bigot, misogynistic, evil person I know. You are not a good father to our son. You have never been a good step dad to my girls. You have never been a good husband! You lack maturity and emotional intelligence!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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