1 The Beginning

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Some kind of extraterrestrial spacecraft started to be pulled by planet Earth's gravity and into the atmosphere. The front of the ship began to glow a bright yellow as a tail showed behind it just like a shooting star. The windows began to crack because of the heat and pressure that was being pushed onto it, the pilot inside grunting as they couldn't stay still in their seat.

Deafening alarms were going off, but the pilot seemed disoriented, dazed, and not in the right mind. They clenched their teeth together as they pushed buttons and other controls, but they could not get control of their ship.

A button was pressed, and the sounds of faint gears were heard as metal began to cover the windows to add more protection.
"Warning! Warning! Aircraft is -"
The pilot wasn't listening as they clicked on the side of their neck, a helmet now covering their head.

They knew there was nothing they could do. They couldn't take control of the ship. All they can do is prepare and brace for impact.

The sinking feeling in their stomach was beginning to feel overwhelming as they clenched their teeth tighter and kept their eyes shut tight, gripping their seat so firm their knuckles were turning white.

It wasn't long until the person inside was jerked forward as the ship harshly collided with the ground, making them bang their head on something and instantaneously lose concisousness.

First chapter, let's see how this goes! There's no editer on this story, so it's just me! Sorry for any mistakes, and please ignore the Barbie video i put it in because I just remembered loving that movie growing up. 💀
I apologize in advance if nothing makes sense because I suck at words, so I'm sorry if I accidentally misuse any.
Have a good day / night! ♡

Edited on: 2/10/2023
"Don't become an author." - my friend after reading this

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