2 Opening Your Eyes

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Raphael and the other Hamato brothers had their attention quickly up to the dark night sky, though Leonardo took a moment to realize what they were exactly looking at.
All four turtle brothers saw what seemed like a shooting star, but instead of passing by earth or being broken up from the atmosphere, it just got closer and closer to the ground.

The four of them were out on a small patrol, but it was very peaceful that night and maybe a little too harmonious.

Something about what was flying through the sky felt so mesmerizing. No one could say anything, not even the brainy brother.

Before much of anything else could happen, that's when the ship crashed into Repo Mantis Salvage, starting to release smoke into the air.

"Oh! We should so check that out!" Leonardo cheerfully suggested as he displayed a wide grin on his face, but you didn't need to tell Donatello twice as he was already making his way over.

"Now, wait a minute!" Raphael quickly responded, reaching out towards Donatello and firmly grabbing his battle shell, making sure he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"We have no idea what that was! Maybe we should let Repo and or the authorities deal with it." Raphael was quick to suggest, but his brothers just gave him a look.

"I think we should go see what it was. What if it's something Repo or the authorities don't know how to handle?" Michaelangelo let himself join the conversation.

"Mikey is right, Raph. Also, I don't know if you forgot, but I'm the leader now. I get to make the orders." Leonardo spoke again, and that made Raphael want to smack the smug and egotistical look off his face.

Donatello shoved the snapping turtle's hand off of his shell, not needing much effort since Raphael's grip was no longer tight or firm. Then, the three off them began to walk off, leaving Raphael standing alone.
It took him a moment, but he grumbled to himself and eventually began to pursue and chase them, not taking too long to catch up.

The brothers entered the junkyard as quietly as possible, Repo not coming out from anywhere because guess what - this author is lazy.
It was pretty easy to find the ship that crashed into the ground, looking so beat up and beyond repair. It made Raphael wonder if it could ever be fixed.

Donatello was grinning like a big ol' dork, stars practically glimmering in his eyes as he got closer and examined it.
But the brothers would soon jump as the metal covering the windows for protecting slowly began to uncover itself, though being so beat up, it only moved halfway before getting stuck.

Raphael, by then, had got in front of his brothers, not knowing what would come out of the ship, but they all marginally put their guard down when they saw the person inside out cold.

" ... are they dead?"
Michaelangelo was the first to rid the silence.

"Only one way to find out - Raph, I need you to maneuver the metal out the way and try your best to get rid of the glass too without wounding the person inside." Donatello responded fast.

"Me? Why me?- Oh, forget it."
Doing as told, Raphael tried his best to move the metal and conscientiously broke the glass in a way no one was injured.
Soon, he took whatever seat belts or straps were keeping the pilot in their seat, putting his hands under their arms and gradually pulling them out.

The pilot moved like a rag doll, looking so lifeless the brothers were starting to doubt if they were even alive. But once they were gently placed onto the ground, everyone could see their chest slowly rise and fall as they breathed.

Donatello examined them, seeing a button on the side of their neck. Curiously, he pressed it, the helmet on the pilot immediately and instantly coming off.

They were evidently not human, though that was already pretty obvious from the ship and the tail that was attached to their lower back.
Looking at them more, Donatello came to the conclusion: "they should get medical care -"

"Oh! Can we take them home!" Michaelangelo obnoxiously interrupted.

Raphael grimaced and responded quickly before anything else was said, "No! We are not!-"

Raphael had his arms crossed as he glared down at this stranger that was gently laid down on their couch. Of course, he felt super guilty that he even considered leaving a wounded person all by themselves, but he was worried about letting someone into their home.

Donatello had looked over them more than once, and he stated that whoever this is, they have a concussion. They must have hit their head pretty good and definitely more than once. Other than a sprained wrist, very small bone fractures, and lots of bruising, the person was going to be alright.

Raphael felt pretty relieved knowing that they saved someone, but he still had that anxiety filled feeling at the pit of his stomach. He was worried, worried that whoever this was was going to be someone horrible, but he really shouldn't assume when the person hasn't even woken up! Can't always judge a book by its cover.

After a while, it was eventually just the two of them and Raphael came to a conclusion they were not going to wake up very soon so he let out a sigh, turned the other way, about to walk away before he heard a loud whimper behind him.
He froze in place for just a second before slowly turning to look back at the couch. The pilot had woken up, and it was obvious they were in a substantial amount of pain and discomfort. They kept their eyes squeezed shut tight before slowly opening their eyes halfway, instantly making eye contact with the snapping turtle in red, making him feel tense and uneasy.

"Who are you?"

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