6 Slowing Opening Up

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It's been a few weeks since the Mrs. Cuddles incident and everything went back to normal like nothing ever happened.
Though you had a stern talking to by Raph, being asked questions like, "How do you have a gun? I thought you had nothing on you!"
All you did was hide it. You were good at that, apparently. Hiding things.

Raph was having a bad day today, felt down in the dumps. You wanted to do something but didn't know what.

"Raphael?" You knocked on the wall to let your appearance known.
He looked over at your direction, "Yeah?"

You had paused and thought about it more before smiling, "Can you come with me outside the lair to see something for a minute or two?"

He raised a non-existent brow, "and what do you need that would require you to leave the lair?"

"I just .. wanna show you something. Please? Just give us five minutes and we can come back." You were begging at this point.

Raph felt suspicious of this but eventually gave in, "alright, alright. Raph will go."
You beamed brightly like a star at his response.

And before you knew it, you were outside late at night, jumping from building to building until you both picked a specific one, sat down, and told Raph to sit next to you.
And I know realistically because of light pollution, stars would be pretty hard to see, but this is my fanfic, so it works by my rules! So the stars are visible.

"Can you name anything up there?" You asked quietly.

Raph didn't answer right away, but he eventually pointed at the night sky, "Big dipper. Small dipper. That's all Raph knows."

You just smiled, "That's fair." You scanned the sky before pointing out at a specific light in the sky that looked pretty faint, suggesting that it must be pretty far.
"I come from over there." You frowned, "I wasn't even old enough to fly yet. And now I have the face the consequences of the ship malfunctioning and crashing."

There was a long pause before it was broken by Raph's question; "Why did you leave?"

You froze, not answering immediately as you fiddled with your fingers, " .. I just wanted to find a way to make my mother proud. I don't know what I was thinking."

Again, nothing but complete silence between you both. The two of you both silently listened to the slight breeze in the air and the sounds of people back down on the ground. Occasional yelling and honking from a vehicle.
Despite nothing being said, the atmosphere didn't feel tense or awkward, but yet felt somewhat comfortable.

Raphael genuinely had no idea what to say, and he couldn't help but feel guilty about it.
"Were you happy at home?"

You hugged your knees close to your body and shook your head, "No." You said too quietly. It was more like a whisper.

Raph could still hear your answer, "Well. Raph hopes you have a wonderful stay here. And you feel happy."

You looked at him with glassy eyes, lips starting to tremble before you forced out a genuine smile, "thank you, Raphael."

"Raph." He corrected you.

You frowned, "What?"

"Raph. You don't need to call me by my full first name. We're friends, right?" He gave you a toothy grin.

Your eyes lit up, a look of astonishment sitting on your face before you returned the grin, "okay, 'Raph,' thank you for making me feel welcomed here. I'm happy to stay as long as I need."

"How's the ship going, Donatello?" You approached him, standing next to him.

"You're just like my brothers. They're apparently not capable of knocking." Donnie didn't even look up from his work on the spaceship.

All you did was chuckle while he sighed. "It's all going good. According to my calculations, it might actually be a little less than a year for this baby to be fixed right up!"

You clapped your hands together closed as you gave a wide grin, "Really? That's great! You really are a genius, Donatello!"
You quickly gave him a thumbs up before skipping out of the lab, leaving him speechless before he quietly cheered to himself, "validation baby!"

Sorry, guys! This chapter has been done for a few days now, but I wanted to add more. I don't want to keep you all waiting for too long, so I'll publish this as it is - and oh my God! Mutant Mayhem trailer? I can't wait for that to come out! So exciting!! ♡

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