"The lion and the mouse"

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We're once again, back with our heroes. Right now, they are all stuck in a net after getting tricked by Book, one of the Announcers evil henchmen of some sort. Leafy had already given up after trying to pull the net apart with her hands, Gelatin was staring at Ruby, and Ruby was biting on the net.

"Ruby.. I'm hungry too.. but, can you NOT bite on the net??" Gelatin asks, getting fed up with looking at his poor excuse of a friend biting on the net. "That's disgusting!" Gelatin continues, Ruby makes a face at him. Leafy looks at the two of them with amusement, finally.. something entertaining.

"Say Gelatin, have you heard that one fable from our village? The one Loser- the LEADER LOSER tsk told us once when we kept knocking on his door for absolutely no reason?" Ruby asks, oh.. Gelatin remembers that! As the musketeers, surprisingly enough- they had nothing to do that day. So they disturbed the heck out of Loser, by knocking his door every 10 minutes. He must've gotten annoyed by this but wanted to keep his cool, so to bore the three- he told them some cool fable.. well, he thinks. Ruby seemed to be the only one who payed attention.

"The one about the lion and the mouse!" Ruby exclaims, Leafy and Gelatin stare at eachother. "the what?" Leafy asks bluntly, her mood seemed to have been ruined upon loosing all her coins.. there must've been a lot of coins in her pouch.

"Oh my god, sure I was expecting Gelatin- but Leafy?! I thought you would've payed attention at least!!" Ruby yelled, both in shock and a hint of annoyance. Leafy huffs in reply, "it was a long time ago, Ruby.. how am I supposed to remember-"" yknow! The one where the mouse wanted to be friends with the lion and bla bla bla, lion didn't want to be friends then the lion got captured-"

Ruby babbles away, while the other two glance at eachother once again. "and.. what's your point?" Gelatin asks, "oh yeah- the point is.. how the mouse let out the lion from the net!" Ruby says, pointing at the net. This caught Leafy and Gelatin's attention. "Really!? How did they escape??" Leafy asks, excited to try the solution and get out of this cramped net. "The mouse used it's teeth! And cut through the net, saving the lion!" Ruby said proudly, "and THATS why I was biting on the net!" She says, whilst shutting her eyes. Opening her eyes, she's met with eyes of disbelief on her.

"Ruby.. you're an idiot" Gelatin says bluntly, as if he wasn't also an idiot who was interested of maybe trying. Ruby huffs in reply. "Whatever, you think what you want, I think what I want!" Ruby continues to bite on the net, as Leafy and Gelatin glance at eachother again. Gelatin makes a hand gesture (the one gesturing someone's crazy, idk how to explain that), and Leafy nods her head in agreement.

Book sits on a tree stump, kicking her feet happily. She looks at a small bag in her hands, which contains a large amount of coins. "Heheh, they're idiots.. but they sure own a lot of money" she says to herself, it was a mixture of both Gelatin and Leafy's coins- Leafy's being 78% of it.

"If Captain's actually going to start paying me after this.. who knows how rich I'll be!" Book starts imagining, she could buy herself a small cottage, or a large amount of yoyleberry pie! Or could actually buy herself an umbrella! So she didn't have to wait the rain out!! The possibilities are endless. She hugs the book with the purple cover, it was the size of a diary.. well, she did INTEND to use it as a diary. The book.. the book was really special and dear to her, why? Because the captain gave it to her, and said it was special for something. She was skeptical at first.. she was already a book! Why did she need to use another book?

But.. upon using the book, oh..the powers it has! How amazing, in fact.. maybe she could write something in it right now! She pulls out a quill pen and a bottle of ink from behind her back, but upon dipping the pen in the ink, someone shadows over her.. the shadow had the shape as that of a..

"Needle?" Book glances, shutting her book. "What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at your area, twiddling your thumbs or something?" Book asks, as she gets up from her stump. "Captain's busy, and told me to come see you- he was in a happy mood, something about the moosketeers" Needle says, the small wings of darkness behind her flapping around. Book stared at her for a bit, "excuse me?.." "what?.."

"moosketeers...?" "Yeah?" Book thinks to herself for a bit, wow what an idiot. "it's MUSKETEERS, and if you want to see them- follow me", Book says- leading Needle to the net with the musketeers in it. Needle was kinda similar to Book, she owns a red sticker- which wrapped around the hole on her head. Nothing was different to her appearance, other than the wings on her back. They can carry her off the floor she says, but only.. slightly off the ground. It was as if you were jumping, except she stays in the air longer.

"So where are these musketeers?" Needle asks, looking around. Of course she doesn't notice them, the place where her brain should be is replaced with a massive hole. "They're right there. In the net." Book says, pointing to the net.. the.. empty net. It takes a bit to process what she was staring at, "I don't know if you.. don't know but.. there's no one in the net-" I KNOW!" Book cuts her off, as she frantically looks around. Where did they go?! They were just there just a moment ago..

Needle seemed to notice the expression of her colleague and starts looking around too. The musketeers consisted of a leaf, green jelly and a red ruby.. can't be too hard to miss. Book pulls out her book with the dark purple cover, Needle- noticing this, glances at the book. She knows what the book does, but the things the book does always looked like coincidences.. she wanted to see it in action this time!

Book writes something down with her quill pen. "Come out, you little musketeers!" Book yells, as she shuts her book. Something sparks out from the book.. kinda like lightning sparkles. And on queue, all three musketeers fall out of a tree's branch. They fall over eachother.

Needle gasps at the sight, "you actually did find them!" Book glances at Needle, "what- did you think I was lying?" Needle makes a face. "Thats.. why I'm here in the first place?" Book makes a face.

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