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Lacey laid in bed. She looked to her phone and sighed as she saw all the calls and texts off of Max.

Lacey felt used. She knew how Max had used her to get what he wanted and she hated it.

She hated how he used her. She knew that she wasn't going to sit back and take it.

He had used her for sex. She knew how she deserve a hell of a lot better then how he treated her.

Lacey didn't know what to do. But she knew how it was a mess. She knew how she wanted answers.

She knew that what she and Max had. She knew that to her it felt as if it was a lot then sex to her.

Lacey stood from the bed and got dressed. She smiled as she walked into the kitchen as she saw Aimee who was feeding Sofia.

Aimee looked to her. She smiled. "Are you okay? I mean with all that has happened with you and Max?" She asked.

Lacey sighed and nodded. "I guess. Well other then the fact I feel hurt and humiliated. I am okay. I just want for everything to be okay. I am going to get answers. Max Tyler thinks he can play with me? Then he can think again," she told her.

Aimee looked to her. She sicker and smiled. "Just be careful okay? You're my sister. I know what Max is like. I don't want you to end up hurt because of it," she said.

Lacey smiled. "I'll be okay," she said.


Lacey got to school as she saw Max. She knew that someone had been blackmailing him.

She knew he hadn't found out. She decided that she was going to take that into her own hands

She walked into the common room. She grabbed a piece of paper as she wrote out a note saying how she was going to reveal her and Max to Chris unless she got five grand.

Lacey knew that she was playing a dangerous game. She knew how he would react if he found out it was her.

But he had mugged her off. And she wasn't going to let him get away with it.

Max used a lot of people. And Lacey knew that she wasn't going to let him get away with what had happened.

She knew that it was time he paid for what he had done. Literally.


Lacey sat in the common room. She looked to see Max walked in. "What is it?" She asked.

Max sighed. "I got another note. They want five grand now." 

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. But if I don't they'll tell your dad."

"No. He can't find out. Max please," Lacey said. She knew all of this an act.

"I'll sort it. But I am going to find out who did this," he said as he looked to her.

Lacey nodded. "I hope it's not a jealous lover or something," she said as she and max held a look before he walked off.

Lacey smirked to herself. She knew the effect that she was having. And she was enjoying it.

But how far would Lacey go?

The Science Teacher's Daughter {Waterloo Road}Where stories live. Discover now