Tasty 😈

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Tsukasa felt like he was suffocating in the scalding heat on his face. He could barely see your silhouette in the darkness of the closet, but he knew you were looking at him.

"Tsukasa, you seem nervous. Are you alright?"

"Y/n..." he sighed shakily. You felt his hands grab your sides, pulling you close. His shook violently enough you could feel it, and his breath was hot ghosting over your face.

"It's okay. Just calm down." You reassured, your hands finding his cheeks. A thin layer of sweat coated them, but you rubbed your thumbs across his skin regardless.

"Y/n, I...! C-can I kiss you?" He stuttered out hastily. You chuckled.

"Of course you ca-" before you could even finish, he'd smashed his lips onto yours. You kissed back against his uncertain pace and seemingly endless hums. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him in closer, despite how roughly he already had you pressed against him.

A short lull in his pace and a soft lick at your bottom lip almost made you laugh, smiling against him. You licked back at his lip playfully, then let out a surprised gasp when his tongue slipped into your mouth. His taste mingling with yours was overwhelmingly sweet. You found yourself making pleased noises too, though not as eager as Tsukasa's loud and shakey hums. You were glad the closet was somewhat far away from the livingroom. Heaven forbid Kazuni, Hina, Yuuki, or Saki hear you two.

Soon, you felt Tsukasa's trembling hands finally release their death-grip on your sides and reach for the bottom of your shirt, sliding under. His fingertips were warm, but still sent shivers up your spine with how feather-light they felt, running up your skin.

You couldn't help but feel like it was unfair. You knew Tsukasa, and it was obvious he had no idea what he was doing right now, even as he made the right calls with his guess work. Why should he be the one in control?

So, you followed his movements, slipping your hands under his t-shirt and up his stomach. The hands that he had trailing up your skin shuddered to a halt and returned to gripping your waist. His breathing spiked, then he pulled his lips from yours and stuffed his face into your neck.

"Y/n...!" The way his whole body shook was cute.

"You're too worked up, Tsukasa. Calm down." One of your hands left his torso and came to rest on his head, playing with his hair and scratching softly at his scalp. He gasped softly now, breathing steadying.

"A-are you okay? Do you want this? I don't..."

"Shh, I know, you're a little lost, aren't you?"

He nodded. He seemed to be calming down though, violent shaking reduced to a shiver and heavy breathing reduced to quiet sighs. You placed a soft kiss to the back of his head as you ran your hands across him reassuringly.

"I'm alright. Are you?"

"Mhm." Another nod.

"Then do you wanna keep going?"

His gripped tightened slightly, but he nodded nonetheless, lifting his head from your shoulder. He leaned in to keep kissing you, but your hand stopped him.

"I know it's a bit cramped in here, but do you wanna sit down? I'm scared your legs'll give out."

If he could grow any redder, Tsukasa did at that. His legs had been pretty wobbly this whole time. He agreed and sat down, trying to leave some room for you, but you told him to stretch out as much as he needed, letting him take up most of the floor. You crawled on top of him, straddling his thighs, and for what you could, you watched his eyes widen in the darkness. His hands shot up to cover his face, now trembling again.

"I can't do this...!" He exclaimed, muffled by his hands. You gently held his forearm, rubbing your thumb in circles.

"You don't have to, y'know."

"N-no, I want to!" He quickly said, uncovering his face. He turned away with a strained expression. "I really, really do."

"I know, you're just worked up, hm?"

"Yeah. How do I calm down, Y/n-san?"

"The way you calm down for anything. Take some deep breaths and tell yourself it isn't that bad. That's what I do when I get overwhelmed."

"Right, yeah..." He did what you said, calming down substantially. Once he'd done that, he looked you in your soft eyes, and before you could ask if he was ready to keep going again, he had his tongue nearly half-way down your throat.

You tasted amazing. Better than his mom's cooking or any of his favorite food or drinks. Better than cookies, brownies, cinnamon rolls, and any sweets imaginable merged into one catastrophe of a dessert. Better than sugar itself and anything you could make with it.

Kissing you like this made him dizzy. Like when he'd spin endlessly on stage to practice his balance, or even just to see how long he could go. The closet span so much it disappeared. All that seemed to exist was you anymore.

That fantasy closed when you pulled away from him for air, but he still felt the room spin at the faint sight of his saliva connecting your lips. You chuckled, cutting it with a swipe of your finger between your faces.

"Are you still alright?" You asked as you caught your breath. Though he'd started shaking once again, he could say yes this time, despite your warmth sitting on his thighs and the lingering tingling left on his chest from where your arms had rested moments before. He was starting to get used to how overwhelming it was getting.

"How far do you wanna take this?" You chuckled nervously, playing with a strand of your hair. Tsukasa stared at the door. He didn't know if you'd been in the closet long enough for people to get suspicious. He'd gotten everyone to agree to 20 minutes at the most, 7 at the least. How much of that time had you used up?

"How much longer do you think we have?" He asked nervously. You looked at your phone.

"A good 12-ish minutes."

"In that case," he pulled you down, pushing his face back into your shoulder as he had before, "we can go until you're satisfied. I don't wanna disappoint you."

[Reading my own stories and kicking my feet like 😊 tehehehe...]

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