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Karter's HouseWashington, DC5:30PM

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Karter's House
Washington, DC

I am freaking the fuck out. Woo-saa, Karter, I thought to myself, giving my outfit another look over. He didn't tell me where we were going and gave me no dress code, I didn't want to over dress and definitely didn't want to underdress but I have thirty minutes to figure it out. My phone began to ring and I picked it up frantically, not thinking to look at the caller ID before placing it to my ear. "I'm freaking the fuck out." I exclaimed, assuming it was Zion. "And I'm looking at your ear, what're doing?" Joshua voice said through the small speaker on my phone causing me to drop my phone. "And now I'm looking at your ceiling, you good?" He asked laughing briefly. Pulling myself together after silently screaming at myself, I picked up my phone. "Sorry. I thought you were Zion." I admitted and he nodded. "It's cool. I'm leaving my crib now. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be stood up." He joked making me roll my eyes. "That would be rude. But can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded. "Shoot." He said, his eyes focused on the road, he had his phone mounted onto his dashboard. "Where exactly are we going? I'm having a fashion crisis." I admitted and he laugh. "It's chill, dress however. I'm sure you'll look good regardless." He said honestly. I cleared my throat and nodded. "Noted. Just text me when you're outside." I said making him ball his face up. "I'll come to your door and knock when I'm there." He said looking over at the camera briefly before focusing back on the road. "T-that works to." I said before we said our goodbyes. I settled on my outfit and grabbing my black Chanel bag to finish off my outfit for the night. It wasn't long until I heard a strong knock at the door, looking at myself in my mirror before running to the door. Taking a deep breath I opened it seeing Joshua. I was relieved seeing him in a black Playboy x Anti Social hoodie, black jeans and black Yeezy 500s. "You look nice." I complimented and he looked me over slowly making my body warm up under his gaze. "You to." He said before snapping out of whatever trance he was to make eye contact with me. "My fault. You look really beautiful, you ready?" He asked, sticking his hand out and I nodded, grabbing his hand after locking my door. "So are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked as we walked down my porch. "It's a surprise." He said making me playfully pout. He opened the passenger side door to his Jaguar SUV, closing it before jogging over to the driver side. "Just for future reference, I don't like surprises." I joked and he smirked. "I'll keep that in mind, for future reference."

I was surprised to see that we were at an Social Bar. It had games, drinks, food and was strictly for adults, like a Dave and Buster without any kids. I smiled because no one had ever took me here before, I enjoyed doing new things and he didn't take the cliche route. "I'm going to beat your ass in Mortal Kombat." I said, clapping excitedly as we walked into the establishment. He laughed. "Mane whatever, if you win, it's cause I felt sorry for you." He said as he purchased game passes. "You want to eat now?" He asked I shook my head. "Got to beat your ass first."

"Damn, you weren't playing." Joshua sighed making me laugh. "I told you I was gonna win!" I said exclaimed as the machine called out "Fatality, Mileena Wins". "It's cool, it's cool." He said as he brushed his shoulders off. "Ready to eat?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, come on." He grabbed my head before leading the way, I smiled as I looked at our interlocked hands, praying they wouldn't get sweaty in the process.

After sitting down in a both that was further away from the action than others we ordered our drinks. "I think you can tell a lot about a person by what they drink." He said with a playful smile making me smile in return. "Okay, I'd like to hear what you think of my drink of choice." I said and he nodded. "You're hydrated." He said with a straight face. Staring at him for a moment before laughing I shook my head. I ordered a water. "You're funny." I said, sliding off my jacket. "It was a pretty clear observation." He shrugged. "Tell me about yourself. Hate to play twenty-one questions but I really do want to get to know you." He said and I nodded. "Um- My mother is a dentist, my father is a retired Marine doctor. I'm an only child." I said. "Tell me about you." He said, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table, looking at me intensely making me look away briefly as our waiter came back with our drinks, a water for me and Hennessy and coke for him. Placing our order before our waiter left. I drunk my water, rubbing one hand over my pant leg nervously. "I'll start." He said making me look up, seeing his eyes already me. Nodding, he began to speak. "Of course you know I have a twin, Jon. Joe is my cousin, we're only a couple months apart. I was born in Cali. I have one older sister and two younger siblings. My father is a Hall of Fame wrestler. I graduated from UCLA and studied in Sports Medicine and Business. I am COO of Lifted, Joe being CEO. My favorite artist is Drake, I played sports all throughout my childhood, I hate cats and I have a dog named Ace. He's a Doberman." He said and I furrowed my brows. "You hate cats?" I asked and he nodded. "I love cats." I said and gritted his teeth holding his fist to his mouth. "So I'm assuming this is our last date?" He joked and I laughed. "It's my mission to have you love cats!" I said and he shook his head. "Not happening." He said as he threw his hands up. "And your dad? Who is he?" I asked. "Solofa- Rikishi." He said nonchalantly as my eyes when wide. "I did it for The Rock!" I exclaimed making him laugh. "Yo, please never say that again." He said trying to catch his breath from laughter. "That's so cool! Now that you said it, you do look like him." I said and he nodded. "Yeah, he's my dog." He said and I smiled. "That's so sweet. With your degree, are you just a trainer? Like what do you do with it." I asked making him bite back a nervous smile making me all the more curious. "M.D." He said and my eyes went wide. "You're a doctor! That's amazing. Joshua is out the window, Dr. Fatu." I said making him chuckle, outstretching his arms along the booth as he sat back. "Whatever, Dr. Cypher."

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