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Trinity and Johnathan's HomeWashington, DC9:45PM

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Trinity and Johnathan's Home
Washington, DC

My social meter was on E and I've only been here for thirty minutes. Everyone was cool, truly but I was ready to clock out physically, already clocking out mentally. I forced a couple smiles as people walked by, waving at some in the process. I was ready to go. It didn't help that I couldn't drink, nothing to ease my growing social anxiety. I hated this. I saw Zion walk over to me, a worrisome look on her face before forcing a smile. "Hey, you okay?" She asked, no, I thought as I nodded. "You sure?" She asked and I nodded again. "Karter." She said clearly not believing me. This time I smiled genuinely, she cares so much and I hate that I could ruin the fun for her. "Z, please go have fun. I'm okay. When I'm ready to go I will let you know. I promise." I said. She started at me a bit longer before nodding. "Alright. I'll be close by." She said and I nodded before she walked off. I began to walk out to get some fresh air, walking into Joshua in the process. I was honestly shocked he wasn't here earlier. "Hey- you okay?" He said, his excitement exiting his tone just as quick as it entered. "Hey, yeah, just stepping outside." I said. He stood back and seemingly examined me before grabbing my hand and leading me outside. "Joshua please, you just got here, go speak." I said and he brushed the idea off. "Everyone in there is no stranger, I'll see them before I go. What's going on with you?" He asked and I shook my head. I started to feel worse. I know I didn't force him outside with me but having him out here with me instead of in there enjoying his self had me wanted to combust. Get your shit together Karter. I licked my lips nervously before opting to sit on the steps, Joshua positioning himself to stand in front me. "I'm fine, seriously go inside." My voice telling the moment I opened my mouth, a slight crack and whine. My eyes started to swell, tears filing them making me take a deep breath. Looking down I toyed with my rings before a tear fell against my wishes. "Joshua, please, just-just go." I was embarrassed that this was happening. Taking a deep breathe I stood up. "I'm okay. Not feeling to well so I'm going to head home." I said, taking my phone out of my pocket to text Zion a simple, I'm out, message. "Walk me to my car?" I asked and nodded. "Of course." He said, grabbing my hand as I walked down the steps. I lead the way, his thumb rubbing the top of hand. Once at my car he squeezed my hand, softly, making me turn my head towards him."You know you can talk to me right?" He said and I gave him a weak smile and nodded. I didn't trust myself with words. My airwaves were growing tighter and tighter each step we took to my car. He opened my doors and helped me in, slamming it behind me. I started my car and rolled down my window. "Thank you." I croaked. He stepped closer to my car, worried and I shook my head. Waving as I pulled off.

Trinity and Johnathan's HomeWashington, DC10:02AM

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Trinity and Johnathan's Home
Washington, DC

I watched as she drove off, what the fuck just happened? Going back inside the house I started looking for Trinity, bumping into Johnathan in the process, "Wassup bro, you straight?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, where's Trin?" He furrowed his brows. "You sure you good? She's in the kitchen." He said and I nodded, dapping him up. "Yeah, love Uce." I b-lined to the kitchen seeing Zion, Aminata, Marques and Trinity. Deciding to talk to Zion because she was Karter's best friend. "Hey Joshua." She greeted as I walked towards her. "Hey- wassup y'all. Can I asked you something?" I said in one breathe making her look at me confused. "Sure," "Is Karter okay? She left a bit flustered, just wanted to make sure nothing happened or if there is anything I should worry about?" She gave me a soft smile before pulling me away from the group. "I'm not going to lie and says she's okay, but she will be. She gets like this and it's best to give her space." She said. I bit the inside of my cheeks before nodding. "I appreciate you for telling me that." I said and she nodded. "Seriously, she'll be okay." She assured and I nodded. I didn't like her answer but I'll take it into consideration. Thanking her I walked off, saying my goodbyes before getting in my car and leaving. Seeing her like that ticked something in me. I hated it, I hated that she wouldn't let me be there, I hated that I couldn't take on whatever she was feeling. I didn't know what to do, it was like an angel on one shoulder and an devil on the other, the devil telling me to go over there and check on her against her best friend's advice and the other telling me to make sure she's okay. Neither were wrong in my eyes but I didn't know which one she would appreciate most. Picking the ladder as I rode by a local sushi spot and decided to pick her up some of her favorite, a California roll with teriyaki sauce and Alaska roll. She got that when we went to lunch. I contemplated the idea before driving to her house in silence. I hope I wasn't fucking up our relationship that has just barely started. When I got to her house all the lights were out making me sigh, she was probably sleep. "Stop being a bitch," I said to myself after hovering my finger over the FaceTime button for what felt like forever before tapping it. Looking up I saw a light come on and the sound that told me she was connecting. "Yes Joshua?" She asked making me clear my throat. She was clearly in bed. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She shook her head and I nodded. "I was riding by a sushi spot and thought of you- so I got some." I said. She looked a me, rubbing her eye. "Joshua, it's going on eleven o'clock at night, why did you buy sushi when you were just at your brothers house who had food!" She exclaimed, sarcasm in her tone. I chuckled. "It's not for me, it's for you-if you want it." I said. She looked at me confused. "I wouldn't ask you to come over here to do that." She said and I honked my horn before looking up at her window. Hearing commotion before I saw eyes peeking through her blinds. "Joshua!" She exclaimed. "Karter." I responded before her line went dead. I looked down at my phone and than at her window seeing her light out. "Shit." I groaned, throwing my head back before hearing a door slam shut. Looking up I saw her walking out. She approached my car and I quickly got out to open the passenger door for her before running back to the driver side and getting in. She was fixing her hair as I climbed in, I stared at her until she looked my way.

 She was fixing her hair as I climbed in, I stared at her until she looked my way

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She stared at me before looking away. "It's a lil' chilly." She said as she kicked off her slippers and pulled her knees into her chest. I quickly closed the door and handed her the bag of sushi. "Thanks. I really appreciate it, and you." She said. I couldn't help but stare at her. She opened the container and grinned. "It's cool. Honestly." I said and she smiled at me before placing a roll in her mouth. She ate quietly as I turned on some music and relaxed in my chair, 'Something,' by Drake playing on my speakers. Reaching over I grabbed both her ankles in my hand, pulling and turning her so her legs rested over my console and her feet in my lap. I felt as she tensed up and rubbed her calf allowing her to relax before rotating each of her ankles then her arch. I felt her staring but ignored it. "If this is to much, let me know and I'll stop." I said, she hummed and continued eating making me bite back a smile. I could do this every night.

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