Part 12: The Longest Night

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All Stars.... You chose All Stars....
You guys have some good tastes.
Let's see how the loli deals with a very determined foe.

Edwin was working on some new stuff for the whole team. He was spearheading their very own Command Vehicle. This vehicle would be in the shape of a puma. It would be mounted with a relatively small cannon but have a very powerful radio inside. This way they could call in some air or artillery support.

"Hallo!? Edwin!? You still here!?" "Ja! Did you need something Heinz?" "Ja, I need you to take a break." "Why? I've only been at this for 8 hours now." "Exactly! You need sleep and food." "I suppose you're right." "Otto will finish for you. He basically has all the plans in his back pocket after you literally made him write it all down." "Oh yeah. Tell him I'm sorry for the extra work." "Of course, now go get some rest." "Jawol."

-Mainland Japan
-Streets of Tokyo
-Uzaki's Cafe

Alice had been in this situation before. A university team versus a high school team. She lost but came very close to ruining many other kids' dreams. Now with a foreign country's school coming to battle, and with their own set of rules, she had some worry for what she might face. Will it be like last time or will it be a slaughter?

-FGS Berlin
-Pacific Ocean
-Japan National Waters

"Ok, thanks to a little loophole in the Japanese Rules, we are going to have Air and Naval support. The Naval support will be limited due to the League catching on to our ideas. They will never expect our blitz."
*Team cheers*
"We'll whoop em good Kurtz!" "Let's show them some German pride!" "Fur Der Vaterland!!" "Yeah!!"

-FGS Berlin Airspace
-Pacific Ocean
-Japan National Waters

A squad of Bf-109's were conducting a little show of force operation. They flew into the city of Tokyo. They had acrobatic smoke on their wings. They flew over the highway each trailing the colors of the German flag. They then split off weaving between buildings and flying low for people to see.

"Eagle-01, watch your form Eagle-02, over." "Eagle-02, I hear you Eagle-01, readjusting, over." "Eagle-03, how many of those All-Stars are down there?, Over." "Eagle-01, it's a big school. There could be a bunch down there, over." "Eagle-02, my smoke is running low, what's the next course of action?, Over." "Eagle-01, keep pace and meet up at main street, we'll proceed with the acrobatic portion of the show, over and out." "Eagle-02, copy, over and out." "Eagle-03, Roger, moving to the main street, over and out."

The squadron performed acrobatic maneuvers, impressing the people on the ground. Alice saw the show of force and became somewhat worried about their chances of winning. She wondered if their planes would join the fray, making the battlefield hell for her girls.

She remembered where they got their "Thor" from. Would they use it on them? With their different rule set, they could do more than anyone ever thought.

"What to do..."

-FGS Berlin
-Pacific Ocean
-Japan National Waters
*The next week*

The ship was a buzz. Planes were being sorted in squadrons. Ju-88Bs were set to their proper dive groups. Their sirens were oiled and cleaned. He-111s we're having bombs loaded into their bomb bays. The boys were walking around in uniform. The Kriegsmarine and their shiny uniforms casted off and set course for the battlefield. The Luftwaffe closed off their airport from commercial use. The Panzergruppe was loaded onto a transport ship and ferried to the battlefield.

"Herr Kammandant? Do you believe we can win?" "Ha! Otto, you have been working on our salvation! it is finished right?" "Jawol. The Kaiser is finished. Its radio is set up and set to the right station." "Good!" "So we'll win?" "We will see. Aufmerksamkeit! We have a glorious day ahead of us! We shall prevail and fight our foes to the last tank! We will teach them that boys built tanks for one reason and one reason only! We built them for War!" "YEEAAAAHHH!!" "Go mein kammeranden! Prepare for the day! Remember: The Bismarck Protects!"

The boys all split off into their groups and prepared for the long devilish day to come. Edwin was counting the shells in the tank, worried he may have to bring more. Heinz was loading shells into Kurtz's tank. Otto was operating the crane to load the shells into the stürmmtiger. Schäfer was painting some new stripes on the E-100s barrel after his match with Anzio.

"Good kills Schäfer. Give us some of that skill of yours and we won't get blown halfway to Sunday." "Ha Ha! Jawol mein kammeranden! I bless thee with the power of the Black Templar! Use it wisely." "Danke Panzer Kapitan." "Naturlich."

-Mainland Japan
-Port of Tokyo
-The Next Hours

The temporary FOB was set up. Kurtz had made a powerful speech. All the boys we're hyped up for the battle. This was going to be a absolute blast. Edwin was very proud of his design. The Sdkfz. came out perfectly.

"It's amazing what you can do with old blueprints and a whole bunch of steel and an old chassis." "Of course Edwin. You have to be just about a genius." "Well thank you very much Heinz."

The two friends shared a hug and got ready for the fight. All the boys were ready, hyped, and probably chugging root beer.

-Mainland Japan
-Port of Tokyo
-Temporary FOB

Alice saw the news. Her enemy has arrived.... And with all their might. Only time could tell when the battle would start. Meanwhile Alice thought that she should at least scout the competition. Her driver brought her to the port and parked the vehicle.

"Are you sure you want to see these boys? I'm not sure if I trust them..." "We're going to meet and agree to be on good terms. We shall only speak respectfully. Germans value their pride, disrespect that and.... They might kick us out." "Ma'am, I still think you should have a guard." "No. That would only show distrust." "Fine. Good luck Miss Alice."

Alice exited the vehicle and walked towards the front of the FOB. Two MPs approached her and checked her phone. She showed them her identity and they looked at it closely.

"Welcomin...." "Thank you sir."

She walked past the guards and went into the base. She found their hangout and started introducing herself. Kurtz and her had a very good conversation. She seemed to get off very well with them all.

"A-and then... And then... He feigned!" "That was one time Kurtz!" "We know Otto but.... It was so funny!" "You must really love Tankery...." "Of course Miss Alice..."

Alice left the place, ready for the battle tomorrow. Only question is... Were the boys ready?

How long has it been? I don't remember...

I'm sorry

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