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//Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you so much for the feedback, it's been so great to see some familiar names in the comments!

TW: for mentions of miscarriage

"You asked about Alfie Solomons, right?"

Lily looked up from her typewriter. Edward had stepped into the office, shrugging off his coat. "Yes, some time ago." Since she left Lethe two weeks ago, Lily didn't want to think about Alfie. Whenever he crept into her thoughts, her stomach turned with guilt and frustration. She didn't know why he had to be so stubborn and push her away. It was as if he couldn't decide whether he wanted her around or not. She found it infuriating.

"Well, have I got some news for you." He chuckled in disbelief. "I was in London with a client and they mentioned some Jewish gangster had disappeared from Camden Town."

The blood in Lily's veins froze over. "What?"

"Yeah, I had the same reaction." He seemed amused by the news, not stunned like she was. "Said his name was Alfie Solomons, ran a distillery for years in Camden. Some mess happened though; the man didn't know for sure. Next thing he knows the warehouse is completely empty and no one speaks that name anymore. The client seemed to think he'd been killed by an old enemy." He shrugged. "I guess not if you're saying you heard his name floating around. Not sure why he'd be in Margate."

Lily wasn't sure if she was breathing properly as she felt a little faint and there was a ringing in her ears. "Maybe I misheard the name."

"I'd hope so." Edward hung his coat on the rack and adjusted his tie. "I think it would be best that Margate not have a gangster walking around." He approached her desk. "Any messages?"

She blinked a few times to wake herself from the stupor. "Um...yes, here." She handed him the small stack of telegrams and letters.

Edward continued to make small talk but she couldn't hear a word he was saying.


That Sunday, Lily returned to the beach that she had been avoiding since her spat with Alfie. Argos ran ahead of her, kicking up some sand as he sprinted around in circles.

Like Deja-vu, she found Alfie in the same spot where he'd been bleeding out. However, this time he was sitting upright. He was bundled up in a heavy black coat and had his hands hanging between his knees.

Argos made a mad dash for the man, barking happily.

"Oi, oi, alright. Yeah, settle down, mate." Alfie chuckled, trying to calm the overexcited dog.

Lily stopped in her tracks a few yards from him. She stuffed her hands into the pocket of her coat. She let the chilly wind sting her cheeks. "You'll freeze out here sitting like that."

Alfie didn't look at her, his eyes were trained on the horizon. "The cold wakes you up, don't it?"

"Were you waiting for me?"

"Would I look fucking stupid if I said yes?"

"No, it would show that you're human."

He frowned. "Don't feel human sometimes."

"I know who you are." Lily laid out her cards. Maybe if she was open and honest with him, he would reciprocate the favor.

"Yeah? How'd you find that out?"

"The lawyer I work for heard about you. He told me." She explained feeling as if she was going to turn into a block of ice in the wind.

As You Lay Dying - Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now