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            The new year arrived and Lily was still navigating the newness of her relationship with Alfie. They had found the level of intimacy that they were both comfortable with for the time being. Lingering glances, holding hands, long kisses, and every so often, Lily stayed the night, curled up in Alfie's arms. Sometimes she stayed Friday and Saturday night. A couple of weekends she spent all three nights, scurrying off early Monday morning so she could sneak back into the house and get ready for work on time.

It was a strange feeling, the dual life she felt she was living. She maintained her image as the quiet, timid, polite Lily who worked at the barrister's office. The Lily who spoke softly, engaged in small talk, and never said anything too opinionated. When she was in Lethe, she was free to exercise her intelligence and wit. Alfie ignited something deep in her that no one ever had before. It went beyond the affection and love she felt, it was empowering and freeing. Alfie wanted her as she was, not masked by society's standards.


One Friday in February, Lily left work a few hours early because her boss needed to close the office early to check on his wife who had fallen ill. She stopped by her house to get a change of clothes. She was planning on spending the entire weekend with Alfie.

"Mum?" Lily called as she entered the home.

Jane was in the den, knitting. She looked up from her yarn with a smile. "You're home early!"

"Edward needed to go check on Penny. She's caught the flu." Lily explained, greeting Argos by the door.

"Oh, that's a shame, I'll have to send her a meal, the poor thing."

"I'm just grabbing a few things, I'm going to go meet a friend, I'll be staying over until Sunday," Lily said.

"You've been spending an awful lot of time at friends' houses." Jane's brows knit together in concern. "Darling, is there something you're not telling me?"

Lily swallowed her guilt. Her entire life she had confided in her mother. There wasn't a single thing she kept from her. But Lily still didn't know how to explain Alfie. She didn't know how to label him or their relationship. So, she felt she had no choice. "Everything's fine, I'm just trying to be a bit more social. I hope that's alright."

"Of course, I was worried about how lonely you'd been. I'm glad you're getting out more." Jane smiled though there was still a hint of doubt in her eyes. She could read her daughter well and knew there was something Lily was keeping from her.

"I'm alright, I promise." That, at least, wasn't a lie.


Lily entered the gate of Lethe but noticed there was a car parked in front of the home. She frowned because she knew Alfie didn't have a car that he kept at the estate. There was one in the garage that he rarely used anymore.

She opened the unlocked door and stepped into the foyer. "Alfie?" She could hear Teresa in the kitchen but there were two voices coming from the parlor. Alfie's was familiar, the other was not.

Lily was even more perplexed; Alfie didn't tolerate many people so she never expected him to have guests. She stepped into the parlor, catching the attention of both men. The other was sitting in Lily's usual spot nearest to the balcony. He had dark hair and was dressed immaculately in fine clothing. He eyed her but didn't speak, keeping a stony expression.

Alfie looked surprised to see her. "Lil, I didn't expect you for another few hours."

"Um...Edward's wife is ill so he let me leave early. I didn't know you'd have company."

As You Lay Dying - Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now