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            It seemed Alfie was content acting like Tommy Shelby hadn't even visited. He and Lily continued their lives as they had the previous months. But as hard as Alfie tried to act normal, Lily could see right through him. He was a curious man, so loud and brash while maintaining a lot of secrecy about many things.

However, to Lily, he was like a book. One she kept turning the page on to discover something new. And she read Alfie's book long enough to predict what was going to happen next.

When they passed their anniversary of meeting one another, Lily saw how restless Alfie was. They had met when Alfie was hibernating. A bear, at rest, content to hunker down and wait out the tumultuous winter. But now spring had arrived again and he was antsy.

Alfie was keener to go out on walks with Lily, parading around the town he once avoided like the plague.

He bought expensive things for Lily, things she had to hide away at home because they would raise questions from her mother. Besides, Lily was suspicious that the gifts weren't a romantic gesture or a spur of spontaneity. In fact, she guessed they were gifted out of guilt.


In mid-May, they were able to leave the windows open at night. Lily was curled up in Alfie's bed, feeling uneasy despite the fresh ocean air wafting from the balcony. Initially, Alfie had come to bed with her, prepared to spend Friday night with her as they usually did, entangled in each other's arms. But the phone rang the second he pulled back the sheets. The Alfie that Lily knew would've cursed out the phone, cursed the person calling so late, and gone downstairs to unplug the thing before returning to her. But at the sound of the telephone, Alfie had gone quiet. His eyes flicked to Lily who was waiting for him under the covers.

"Be right back." He'd said and kissed her cheek before heading downstairs.

She thought he'd silence the phone so it wouldn't ring again. But it seemed he answered the phone because he didn't immediately come back upstairs. After a few minutes passed, Lily got out of bed and crept a few steps down the hall. She heard Alfie talking from his office but couldn't pick out any of the words. Mildly disappointed, she returned to bed and turned onto her side, facing her back to the door. Her stomach turned at the idea that her worst fears were coming true. Something was changing in Alfie and change didn't fit in Margate. She worried that meant he'd flee soon and would leave her behind to mourn the only man she truly loved.

Half an hour passed before Alfie returned. "Sorry, love." He shut the door behind him and rounded the bed to resume their routine. But he could see Lily was unhappy. "Weren't expecting that call but it was important." He tried to defend his action.

"It's fine." She replied quietly. It was Lily's default, even if she was hurt, she rarely spoke up about it. She thought these things were too minor to be upset about and always feared she'd be called hysterical.

Alfie frowned, one hand on the bedsheets poised to lie down beside her. "You're upset."

"No, I'm not."

"Yeah, you're saying that right, but I can see it in your eyes that you're fucking upset with me. No need to hide it, love."

"I'm not upset, Alfie." Lily sank lower under the bedsheets.

"You are, looking like a little turtle over there." He pulled the sheets down slightly to see her face. "Look at me, Lil."

"Alfie, I'm not in the mood." She protested and batted his hand away.

As You Lay Dying - Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now