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//For those interested I have a new Tommy fanfic that just started. The next chapter of it should be up within the week. Thanks again for reading!

            In June, Alfie accompanied Lily to the graveyard to lay flowers on Rian's grave. Alfie held Argos' leash as they made their way through the rows of headstones. Lily brought along her namesake, white calla lilies.

When they reached Rian's grave, Lily laid down the flowers and went about cleaning off the tombstone. She dusted off any stray leaves or bits of dirt. Alfie stood a few feet away, hands clasped in front of him.

Argos was a clever enough dog, lying down at Alfie's feet and resting his chin on his paws. The sheepdog peered up at Lily as she worked about tending to her brother's grave.

"Do you remember him?" Lily interrupted the silence of the cemetery.

"Remembered the name when you told me. S'been a long time, could be mixing him up with another lad. Wiry fella, aye?"

Lily smiled and nodded. "He was very tall. A hundred and ninety centimeters."

"Fucking hell, yeah, I remember him." He chuckled and shook his head. "Towered over me, he did, but he looked like I'd swallow him whole."

"My mum said Rian was so much like dad, gentle giants." She touched the corner of his grave and knelt down.

"Yeah, to be honest, didn't know him well. Didn't know many of Tommy's men, 'cept the higher-ups." He wasn't about to lie and make up stories about how wonderful Rian was. Lily would see right through him. She valued his honesty.

"He was very musically gifted." She said softly. "My dad supported his interests but only as hobbies, never as a career." Her eyes fell to the grass that had grown over the dug grave. "I wish he had...I think that's why Rian went to London. He wanted to make it on his own doing something he loved. I'll never know what drew him to Tommy but sometimes people don't have a choice."

Alfie knew that all too well. If he had been born with gold spilling out of his pockets he would've lived a life of leisure, not risking his neck every day to survive. "What did he play then?" He was hoping the visit would be a positive one, reminiscing on Rian's life before he left for London. That way, he could keep Lily's mind off of Tommy Shelby.

"The violin." She smiled warmly. "It was such a joy to hear him play. I miss it so much." She touched a hand to her heart. "I still have his violin; it helps me feel closer to him."

"World's a miserable place without music," Alfie noted.

Lily knew Alfie had a fondness for music even if he didn't outright say it. More often than not, the record player provided background noise for Lethe. Classical compositions, jazz music, and even a hint of opera were commonplace. It was funny to see the way things slipped through the cracks of Alfie's armor. Subtle mentions of his likes and dislikes which led Lily to think he was a far more educated man than he liked to give off. Sure, Alfie liked to appear smart but more in the street-wise sense. He wanted men to know he could outwit them in a matter of life or death.

Lily knew he didn't have much formal education, he once said that he left school just shy of his thirteenth birthday. But the man consumed books like his life depended on it. He also learned from observation, with a keen eye he could discern a lot about the world and the people around him. While others went about their day passively, Alfie was ever vigilant.

In a way, Lily felt it was her duty to allow him a space where he could let his guard down. She just didn't know if she'd accomplished it yet. Standing in the graveyard, Alfie appeared relaxed. He stood still, his eyes steady on her. But she knew he was good at hiding his emotions when it suited his needs.

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