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"How long will you be in London, miss?" The young man heaved another of Lily's bags into the car.

She glanced behind her at Lethe. It was locked up, and all the windows secured. The car she'd hired to take her to London was waiting in the driveway. The question was innocent enough. Lily had packed enough that it must've looked like she was abandoning Margate for good. Truth be told, she didn't know what she was doing. "Um...a few weeks at least."

"Well, I'll get you there in no time." He smiled and went back to packing up the car.

Lily tightened her grip on Argos's leash, the sheepdog looked a little confused as to what they were doing, but his tail was wagging almost as if he anticipated the excitement. "Must be easy not being afraid." She mumbled to the dog. "Suppose I have to start living like you."

Argos looked up at her, his fur flopping into his eyes as he panted happily.

"Well, Alfie will be happy to see you at least. Not sure if he'll be happy to see me as well."


The drive to London felt much longer than when she'd gone last time with Alfie. There was no one to keep her occupied. The driver engaged her in simple conversation every so often but most of the journey was quiet. It didn't help that Lily's nerves were getting the best of her and making time creep by slowly.

Alfie hadn't given her an address as to where he would be in London. He hadn't even left a number, so Lily had to call up Miriam.

Ollie's wife was hesitant to say much about Alfie. Clearly, something wasn't right, but Lily wondered if it was just because she was putting the woman in an awkward position. Still, Miriam insisted that Lily come stay with her and Ollie in the meantime.

Lily tried not to worry too much. But there was an alarm in the back of her head ringing, signaling that something wasn't right. Nevertheless, all she could do was go to Camden Town and investigate.


Camden Town was exactly what Lily was expecting. A place that had raised Alfie was bound to be rough around the edges. Factory smoke billowed into the air, clouding the wide-open sky that Lily was accustomed to back in Margate. But it was busy with people walking down the street and going in and out of the shops. Obviously, there was a thriving community, the community that Alfie had worried so much about. 

Lily found Ollie and Miriam's address and went to ring the bell. She must've looked a sight with several bags at her feet and Argos by her side.

Miriam opened the door and smiled but there was a hint of sympathy behind her eyes. "Come in, come in." She ushered the woman inside with all her things.

"I'm sorry about Argos, I didn't feel comfortable leaving him." Lily felt a pang of guilt. She hadn't told her mother where she was going. She knew she would have to soon, but not until after Lily found Alfie.

"Oh, it's perfectly fine," Miriam assured her. "We always used to have Alfie come in with his dogs in the past."

Lily followed Miriam further into the home. It was a testament that Alfie did take care of those he valued. The home was warm and furnished with all the necessary comforts and luxuries a family would need. It was quiet, most likely because the children were at school for the day.

But truthfully, she didn't want to get too comfortable, even as she followed Miriam into the kitchen. "Is he at home?"

Miriam chewed on her lip. "I doubt it. He rarely goes home these days." She offered a seat to Lily but she subtly shook her head in refusal. "He's not himself. Ever since he returned and found the state of things, he's become very...sheltered. I can imagine being away from you didn't help much." It wasn't an accusation more of a comment on how significant Lily was on the man. "Can't even hold a decent conversation with him. I gave up weeks after he arrived. Ollie keeps trying and wants to at least keep him company. I've no idea what's gotten into his head."

As You Lay Dying - Alfie SolomonsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt