𝖫𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝖨𝗌 𝖠 𝖵𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗈 𝖦𝖺𝗆𝖾, 𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖸𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝖬𝗒 𝖳𝗋𝗎𝖾 𝖱𝗈𝗎𝗍 - 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗞𝗲𝗻

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Kenma adjusted his tie as he looked back at the reflection in the bathroom mirror, the final part of his high school uniform would be complete and he'd be ready for his first day at Nekoma High. Naturally his nerves were somewhat frazzled having to go to a new school that was much bigger than the middle school he attended, but he wouldn't be alone anymore with Tetsurou there. His best friend held enough excitement for the both of them as he'd even given Kenma a personal tour around the high school away from the orientation group and his peppy attitude kept Kenma's anxiety at bay.

Once he was satisfied with the tie, thanks to Tetsurou's father for the abrupt lesson, he crossed the hallway back into his room to grab his bag and looked out of the window to see the older one showing up right on time. Kenma nabbed his fully charged PSP from the desk on the way out of his bedroom and heard the sound of the doorbell as he was heading down the stairs. His mother was on her way to answer the door and from the phone in her hand, Kenma could only assume just what was coming next as her bright eyes landed on him at the foot of the staircase.

Tetsurou was far too easy to indulge her by swinging his arm around Kenma's shoulder and smiling for the quick picture, another to be added to the album of their numerous first days at school. His mother bemoaned in the past that Tetsurou should've moved to the neighborhood sooner so they could've gotten the adorable kindergarten shot, but that could be easily patched over with grandkids. Kenma just rolled his eyes at the comment then, but for the fleeting moment that he was tucked over Tetsurou's arm while they posed for the camera, it came back to mind.

Sexuality wasn't a topic that Kenma cared to think about much as he didn't hold much interest in romance and all that bothersome relationship stuff, games were his main priority and having a girlfriend was not a requirement for beating a boss... in most cases. Otome were fairly separate from the action fighting and JRPGs that Kenma tended to delve into, however there was one that caught his eye back in middle school when he was rummaging through the clearance rack. It featured a cast of pretty princes that were cursed by an evil witch and the protagonist had to save them before they succumbed... it was also half off and Kenma had just enough allowance to buy it.

The game was ridiculously cheesy with some of the worst dialogue and plot progression that Kenma ever subjected himself to (seriously, are we going to ignore how the entire town was killed and that's still a happy ending?!), but the characters were charming enough to keep Kenma invested enough to complete all their routes. His father came with him on his next trip to the game store the following month as Kenma went to try out another after looking up recommendations on the internet. Kenma honestly didn't think twice about picking up the box off the shelf as his father stood by him and soon made a comment about that being one of those games where you date guys.

Kenma froze up at the implications and went to instinctively set it back, but the older man followed up by saying that his mother was into one of those games, not able to remember the title though. The rest of their shopping trip and walk back home were quiet as they usually were when it was just the two of them, Kenma was a bit uneasy since he couldn't ever tell just what his dad was thinking. Though Kenma shouldn't be feeling so anxious over this anyway, it's just another game that happened to focus on romance... with men... that Kenma kind of enjoyed.

His father did remember the title once they were back home and it was a much older game that Kenma originally passed up on, but now he had to see if his mother still had a copy. This lead to her being so psyched to have someone in this house to talk about otome with and in a roundabout way served to let Kenma know that they were okay with him possibly not being straight. Kenma felt the weight lift off of his chest once he was alone in his room that same evening, his parents were always fairly laid back and supportive of him... but still , it was a relief.

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