𝖣𝖾𝖿𝗂𝗅𝖾 - 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗞𝗲𝗻

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"Kuro, I'm not so sure about this," Kenma's protests are swallowed by Kuroo's insistent kisses. Kuroo doesn't respond, only pressing his back further into the wall, shifting to press kisses along the boy's jawline. The hands on his waist squeeze and rub up and down his sides.

"Come on, Ken," another kiss is pressed lower on his neck, "no one's watching,"

Kuroo's probably right, they're hidden in a secluded alcove, the halls empty being that they left their team's dinner table early. Kenma's still uneasy though, squirming at the feeling of Kuroo's breath against his neck, his hands tightening his grip on the front of Kuroo's shirt.

Kenma's about to open his mouth to protest again when Kuroo takes the opportunity to kiss him, with enough force for Kenma's words to melt on his tongue.

"Mmph-!" Kenma closes his eyes, letting his fingers thread through messy hair. He loses himself in the all-encompassing feeling of Kuroo kissing him, he can't help but think they were made for each other. He's almost shocked out of his feelings when a thick thigh presses itself between him.

"Oi, loverbirds!"

Oh fuck, Kenma stuffs his face in Kuroo's chest, ears heating up in embarrassment listening to Kuroo tell Yamamoto they'll be back before curfew. Once he hears the footsteps recede he shoves Kuroo's chest, making the older boy stumble back.

"Idiot! You said no one was watching!" Kenma scrawls, huffing as he starts to stomp back into their sleeping room.

"Woah there, Kenma," Kenma can hear Kuroo's grin on his face when he trails after him.

"Come on now, it's not that serious," Kenma doesn't reply, the embarrassment is still running hot in his veins, his steps quickening, desperate to get back to their classroom. Kuroo must sense Kenma's distress because he grabs Kenma's wrist; yanking the younger to look at him.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Kenma. I'll make it up to you, ok?"

Kenma wavers on his feet a little, looking up into Kuroo's puppy dog eyes. He can never resist his boyfriend looking like that.

"Fine..." he lets Kuroo weave their fingers together on the walk back, tucking his head down when the rest of the team whistles when they walk in.

Kenma barely drifts in and out of consciousness when he feels hands slip under his shirt, rubbing up and down his stomach. The weight against his back is calming, he likes the feeling of being hugged by Kuroo in their sleep, and it makes him feel warm and protected. His eyes start to flutter closed, when the hand on his chest slips higher, thumb just barely brushing against the edge of his nipple.

"Kuro? You're awake?" he turns his head, lips grazing against Kuroo's cheek.

Kuroo hums, using nimble fingers to toy with his nipple, plucking at the bud harshly.

"Kuro!" he whispers indignantly, hands flying up to pull the large hand away.

Kuroo squeezes his arms around his waist tighter, pulling him closer until his ass is snug against the bulge in Kuroo's pants. Kenma slaps a palm over his mouth, he thinks he would die of embarrassment if he moaned in a silent classroom.

"Kuro, what are you doing ?" he hisses.

"What does it seem like I'm doing? I'm touching you." Kuroo says, matter-of-factly. He eventually seems to tire of touching Kenma's chest, moving down to grope at Kenma's hardening cock.

"Kuro," he gasps out, "we shouldn't be doing this,"

Kuroo only ignores him, flipping him over to face him, and pushes a thick thigh between Kenma's.

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