𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖦𝗈𝗅𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝖪𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 - 𝗢𝘀𝗮𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗮

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There was something so satisfying about being sturdy in your relationship. It had taken a few years before the relationship-shy Osamu had felt brave enough to confess to him, but from then on, Rintarou had been smitten. There was just something about Miya Osamu that drew him in like a siren's call.

Maybe it was the awkward way he laughed; loud, stilted, beautiful. Maybe it was how he looked in the kitchen, the one at home or the one in his store; confident, joyous, gorgeous. Maybe it was the way he kicked shit back at Rintarou just as fast as it was thrown at him; quick, smart, witty. More than likely, it was a mix of every little part that made up Miya Osamu's wonderful soul, but Rintarou tried not to get hung up on the sap fest that was his love for this human.

Years. They'd spent literal years together. Some of that time together, most of that time apart, and yet their relationship was just as steady as it had ever been. However, that didn't mean that Rintarou's long-time boyfriend didn't irritate him sometimes. Because seriously, why was he shopping for last minute groceries on his own birthday? His chef boyfriend had "somehow underestimated" how much he'd need for a dinner serving two people. One, that was fishy as fuck. Two, why the hell did Rintarou have to be the one to brave the outside world around people on his birthday.

Osamu knew how much he hated going out at this time of day, and he knew how much he hated going to the grocery store in general, so, the hell? The logical answer for this was that Osamu had simply forgotten what day it was. Granted, his boyfriend wasn't great with days. Sometimes he'd be going about his business thinking it was a Thursday when it was actually a Saturday. A Saturday, like he didn't count down the days until the weekend like the rest of the world.

So yeah, it was possible–in theory–that he somehow had his days mixed up, except for the fact that Rintarou was visiting for one reason, and one reason only, to spend his birthday week with his boyfriend. They'd decided after too many years of missed birthdays and busy schedules that they'd block out at least two weeks out of the year for their respective special days. Two weeks! It should not be that hard to keep track of that.

This morning had been good, great even. Rintarou had awoken to the smell of brewing coffee (his absolute favorite)-- the kind made in Osamu's fancy espresso machine, and the feeling of a wet mouth around his cock. Rintarou was one of those lucky guys who got to spend his life with a partner who loved to serve his every need, especially in the bedroom. Osamu loved to suck cock, and Rintarou loved his cock sucked, it was a great trade. His orgasm was thick and lazy, making its way out of his body with just a few good sucks and the addition of a talented tongue.

Then, there had been breakfast in bed. Coffee first, while Osamu left Rintarou to watch mindless videos on his phone (one of his favorite downtime activities), while Osamu cooked up all his favorites. Note: all food is better when it's cooked by your own private chef... oh, and with love of course! After that, there had been a mix of feeding himself and being fed as Osamu laid curled up next to him.

Sure, that had made him feel special, but it wasn't anything too far out of the realm of possibilities. No, Osamu had made a habit of treating him like a king, while also roasting him within an inch of his life, anytime he was home, so this kind of treatment hadn't earned the 'birthday specialty' stamp of approval. It could be that Osamu had just missed him a little extra in their time apart and was being especially doting. Again, totally possible.

Rintarou himself had felt the loneliness creep in a little harder than usual this time around. Being away from Osamu was getting harder and harder with the stretches of time they'd had to be apart. It wasn't like it was in the beginning, where Osamu was so busy with the shop, that even when he came to visit Rintarou was forced to hang out with him in the hot kitchen. And it wasn't like before when his new career had the shine of something brand new and intoxicating. Yes, Rintaoru still loved volleyball, loved his job, and his team, and the opportunities it gave him, but he'd settled into that routine, and he could feel the Osamu-sized hole more than ever before.

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