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Opera x Kalego

'Hello'- Thinking
"Hello"- Talking
(Takes place of when they're school and then it moves to the present)
Yandere! Opera

Story description: I think you have an idea of what it's about, just by looking at the warnings.

Kalego's POV

'Tch...that damn senpai is getting on my nerves..." kalego muttered underneath his breath, While walking down the school halls with their dear friend Balam. "I'm pretty sure, they don't mean any harm..." Balam said trying to reassure his friend somehow. "They broke my ribs when we first met....Shichirou" Kalego answered the white haired demon, while looking at his friend with a 'are you serious?' Expression. Balam sweat dropped at kalego's answer. Before Balam could respond, Kalego let out a yelp.

"Now, now.... I can't have my precious kouhai, talking badly about me now" a voice entered the conversation. Balam looked towards Kalego and behind Kalego was Opera.
"Can you NOT place your hands on my waist!" Kalego yelled at Opera while trying to push off their senpai's arms off his waist. It was weird to Kalego and he did not like physical touch, excluding Balam though. "Consider this a small punishment for talking badly about me~" Opera was enjoying Kalego's frustration for sure.
"Balam-kun, please do go ahead to your class" "Kalego-kun will be there in a bit" Opera told the shorter, while giving a small smile. Balam nodded their head and walked away to their class, while slowly disappearing from both Opera and Kalego's sight. "Now...hm... I wonder..." Opera quickly muttered to their self. "Hey! What are you doing!?" Kalego angrily yelled at the feline demon, while struggling to push the others hand off their waist.

"Examining" Opera said while looking at Kalego's waist. Kalego could feel Opera staring at his waist from behind. This made Kalego shudder in fear. 'What was this senpai planning?' Kalego thought to his self. Kalego was quickly brought out of his thoughts when he felt his waist being massaged?

"H-Hey! What's going on?!" Kalego questioned the feline. "Oh, you're back to your senses" "You were lost in your thoughts so I figured I massage your waist to get your attention"

"you could've just called my name..." Kalego muttered annoyed. "I could've, but I want to see how small your waist is first" "What...?" Kalego was obviously uncomfortable and he just wanted to go to class. "It's nothing~" Opera purred happily while releasing Kalego's waist.

As soon as he was released, Kalego quickly grabbed his books and papers. With his stuff in his hands Kalego quickly walked away to his class.

Opera who was still in the hallway, had a smirk on their face. They were holding a flier behind them. It was the homeroom event that would be held soon. Kalego and Balam had the same homeroom while Opera had a different homeroom. Opera was quite excited for the event.

They somehow persuaded kalego's classmates to choose a certain theme for the event. Opera also did need to examine Kalego's body. Opera already decided to make the outfit for Kalego, and they wanted it to be the most beautiful fitting outfit for Kalego. You can say they're Obsessed with Kalego. They saw kalego as a potential mate when they first met. Kalego was quite an exquisite demon.

"Ahh...I can't wait for the event to start..." Opera purred. Class was about to start in a bit so Opera started walking to their class, with their tail swishing back and forth.


The day of the Event

Kalego has been avoiding Opera and Balam for at least a week now. He was nominated to wear a Maid outfit, and be the 'Representative' for their class. 'What kind of excuse is that!?' Kalego thought to his self. He was in a private bathroom getting ready. He was doing his makeup and hair. As crazy as it sounded, Kalego did his own research and practiced, he was the class representative. He didn't want to look bad for sure.

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