"Fuck Off You Horny Cat!"

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It's full on Smut, I don't know why but I like Kalego as a bottom and being dominated for some reason! I need help lol! Again it's Smut and I feel like writing smut today!
- Kalego x Opera
- Bottom Kalego!
- Top Opera!
- Opera is Non-binary and changes their genitalia during intercourse!
- art belongs to Original artists! Art made by @Berry_pop_is_a_Simp! (On Instagram!)
- is it gay?

3rd POV

Kalego was reading a book while he was in his living room mansion. He was in his usual black long sleeves along with black pants. It was the weekend so he was free from some of the work. He had done most of his paperwork already so he decided to take a break.

'5:04 PM'

The doorbell rang out through the house. No one was coming over to his place and he already texted Shichirou that he needed a break away from everyone. Especially his class and coworkers at work, and 'that' person...Especially 'them'. So who could be at his door.
Kalego then went down his stairs and walked to the door, as soon as he opened the door he immediately closed it shut, but it was quickly stopped midway. "Oh my~ how rude of you Kalego-kun to close me out" a monotone voice spoke through the door. They were using one hand to hold the door from closing.

Knowing it would be quite useless to try and push the door shut, kalego quickly backed away from the door and set up a barrier around his self. The person then opened the door and walked inside, closing the door behind them, locking it in the process. Seeing the feline demon lock the door made Kalego sweatdrop and nervous. "Oh..why are you backing away from me kalego-kun?" The person spoke, their crimson-gold eyes making contact with the others royal purple eyes. Kalego stood a few feet away from them on the stairs, glaring at the other. "Tch! You already know why Opera-senpai" Kalego said in his usual gruff tone as he glared at the other even harder.

"Aww~ I'm not going to do anything bad~" the red feline demon now known as opera replied back with a small grin, slowly walking towards the other on the stairs. Kalego backed away each time the other was getting close. "Aren't you going to call for Cerberius...?" Opera questioned kalego as they stopped on the first step of the stairs. Backing away once more, kalego came to a halt. "I don't want to damage my house" was the reply Kalego came with. Before he knew it Opera jumped; high enough to reach where he stood. As Kalego tried to back away Opera broke his barrier, shards of broken magic flew by as kalego tried to hold his ground.

Knowing he would most likely be hit if he continued standing where he was, Kalego quickly jumped away from his spot, now quickly running up the last few steps of the stairs. Now on the second floor of his home he heard the other softly land where he was previously "You know it's useless to run from me" Opera told the other whilst rising from their spot, eyes glowing crimson-gold, staring at the other who was a few feet away from them. "Maybe if you weren't so persistent on trying to tease me, every time you see me" " I wouldn't be backing away from you" Kalego said glowering at the other in annoyance. "Now, now... is that really what you should say to your lover?" Opera told the other while slowly walking up the last few steps of the stairs. "Hah!?" "We're not lovers!" Kalego yelled at the other. Immediately sensing that the feline demon probably said that to distract him, Kalego was quick to act. He then quickly sprinted down the halls of his second floor; trying his best to evade his pursuer. In a blink of an eye he felt a quick breeze pass by him.


A hand was quickly slammed beside kalego, making kalego flinch. He backed away but his back hit the wall. 'H-how did they...pin me to a wall while I was running!?' Kalego thought to his self shocked by the sudden action his senior pulled.

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