I hate you

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Who's Ready for some Angst and Comfort!!!? Because I am!!
⚠️ Warning!! ⚠️
-Operas a bitch in this Chapter
-Rare pairing!!
-Baal x Kalego?
-I'm just making a lot of shit up at this point 😃 Lol
Read if you're interested or whatever.

Description: Takes place after the Heartbreaker event.

3rd POV

Kalego was called up to sullivans office. It was Opera who summoned him; since Lord Sullivan was away for a meeting at Babel Tower. Knocking on the door he heard the feline demon call him in. Walking in the office he closed the door behind him. Kalego knew the conversation would be about the incident that took place in the ranking event for his class. Opera stood behind the desk he was at; seeming to have been waiting for him.

"I'm sure you know why I called you here" The feline demon said monotonously serious.

"I assume it's about the traitor Atori" Kalego responded calmly and gruff.

As Kalego stood there, Opera walked around the desk and walked towards the strict demon. Stopping in front of him; Opera placed their hand on Kalegos shoulder. "Correct" Opera bluntly spoke, now leaning towards kalegos ear.

"Why is that the guard dog of Babylus one step behind the enemy? Hm?"

"This is what happens when you're weak" Opera aggressively spoke; squeezing Kalegos shoulder with their bone crushing grip. Kalego could only wince and shove the want to cry down his throat. "I apologize for not looking more into his background, Opera-senpai" Kalego apologized as he tried to pry off the hand on his shoulder.

"An apology won't be enough, what's done has already been done"

"Lord Sullivan and I trusted that you would keep Iruma-sama safe" Opera harshly pulled their hand off kalegos shoulder.

"Because of your actions you put Iruma-sama in danger"


"all because you didn't keep an eye on the teacher your own brother recommended" Opera roughly grabbed Kalegos chin, lifting it up aggressively. Kalego could only wince in pain as he was forced to look his lover in the face.


"How useless, you couldn't even do one job and failed"

"you're too weak to be my lover" Opera harshly threw kalego on to the floor as their words hurt like poison. Kalego slowly lifted his self up and looked at his lover who glared hatefully at him.

"Out of all the people in the clan, they sent a weakling to protect the school" Opera glared harder at Kalego. Kalego could only look down at the floor underneath him. It was normal for him at this point. It was always like this. It all started ever since he was a student at the school.

The Teasing and the kindness they displayed; It was like a facade the feline demon had. Behind that facade was an arrogant demon who had so little kindness. They only listened to higher ranking demons and the only demon they listened to was Sullivan and Sullivan's grandson. They were only kind to those they deeply cared about and Kalego was excluded.

It always happened when they were alone.

"Oh by the way kalego-kun" Opera spoke, causing kalego to look up at the feline demon. "Since you're a pathetic excuse of a guard dog, I'll be joining you as a teacher"

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