Chapter 3

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Even when he was fucking the prettiest vampire in their clan, Jungkook still had to imagine a different face, different lips and different ass to reach his limit and cum inside of the condom.

Min Yoongi has been his fuck buddy for years, gave him the best orgasm, but today, it took Jungkook one hour straight to cum and he had to close his eyes, to think about a whole different person moaning underneath him.

That's when he realized that he's fucked up.

He's fucked up in the head because there's no reason why he's constantly thinking about a certain Omega.

It's disgusting at the same time because Taehyung's a sick and vulnerable person but Jungkook starts having these perverted thoughts.

It's final, he won't come near the Omega ever again because it's destroying his mental function.

"It's been weeks since we last fucked! I missed it" Yoongi prompted a bit breathless, he was about to snuggle closer to the other vampire when Jungkook abruptly hoped away, leaving an empty space next to him.

Yoongi was more than surprised as he watched Jungkook starting to put back his clothes on.

"No round two?" He arched his brows.

They usually go at it more than once. They're kind of addicted to each other's body and it's been a while since they last fucked so Yoongi thought that Jungkook would go for two to three rounds for today.

"Sorry, I have to do something." He effortlessly lied and felt like he needed to make it up to the older for being an asshole so he kissed the boy's lips before going out of the room which by the way, reeked of sex and cum.

It's really a shame because Jungkook wanted to let off some steam but instead, he got out even more frustrated than before.

Walking mindlessly towards his house, the vampire halted on the spot when he saw a figure, a familiarly (naked) figure.

It was... Taehyung? But wait- what???

Why was he naked and covered with dirt??? (Déjà vu)

What the fuck happened??

Without waiting for his brain to function, Jungkook's feet worked on instinct as he run towards the Omega.

He run so fast until he reached Taehyung's level.

"What are you doing here?" He asked but his voice cracked at the last part.

Taehyung turned towards him and was about to say something but instead, he went limp in the younger's arms.

Jungkook was left confused, utterly confused before going angry when he saw two men standing in front of them.

"What the fuck happened? Why is he naked and dirty? Who the fuck did this???" He angrily snarled, feeling the adrenaline boil inside of him.

He could be capable of killing these two vampires if he wasn't too busy holding Taehyung close to his chest.

These two are his father's men, he easily recognized them.

Jungkook felt the anger burn inside of him.

'Tomorrow we'll make him shift back into his wolf form' his father's voice echoed in his head.

"Your father asked us to make him shift back and he did but then he started to howl and went back to his human form" One of the men replied.

They were both scared, their eyes didn't dare to meet Jungkook's and it's good for them because if they dared make eye contact then Jungkook would've attacked them.

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