Chapter 21

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Nothing really interesting happened for the next few days.

Taehyung was still unconscious but now, the doctors don't know if he will wake up.

Jungwoon, Namjoon and Jin had to leave the Kim pack as it's been almost a month since they've been here.

As for Jimin, he was ready to put his life on hold just to help Jungkook take care of Hyuna.

Jin also wanted to stay but as the doctor of their clan, he had to come back as their clan needed him.

Today is Saturday, Hyuna didn't go to school so Jungkook and Jimin tried to play with her and entertain her.

Jimin cooked their meals whereas Jungkook had to carry her around because the little alpha would scream every time he puts her down.

The day in overall was peaceful until Jungkook got a phone call from Bogum.

The vampire almost panicked so he gave Hyuna to Jimin for him to quickly take the phone call.

BG: Jungkook-ssi, you may want to come to the hospital right now!

JK: Why? What's going on?

BG: Taehyung just woke up!

Jungkook never thought that he would feel so anxious just by hearing that the omega has woken up.

He took his coat and told Jimin to follow him, which the older vampire did of course and without questioning him.

They drove to the hospital and Jungkook even forgot to pick Hyuna from her chair as he hurriedly made his way inside of the hospital.

Fortunately, Jimin was there to take care of her.

Jungkook was a nervously wreck. When he saw Yerin and Bogum standing in front of the door of the omega's room, he halted on the spot.

He took a deep breath before walking towards them.

The both of them wore genuine smiles which could only indicate a good thing, right??

Anyways, Jungkook soon arrived in front of them and they vaguely explained that Taehyung indeed woke up an hour ago and doctors already checked on him.

Even according to them, it's a miracle that the omega got no brain damage nor any complications.

When Jungkook peeked at the door, he saw these familiar brown orbs and the prettiest face.

Kim Taehyung is awake and they're looking straight at each other's eyes.

Jungkook doesn't know if he'd be able to maintain these intense glare for much longer.

He stayed mesmerized before the omega's beauty. Even after waking up from days of coma, Taehyung still managed to look divine. What kind of sorcery is this??

His eye contact with the omega was broken up when Jimin and Hyuna arrived and the little girl immediately jumped out of Jimin's hold to run towards her mama.

Taehyung was still attached to an IV but Hyuna didn't care about that and climbed on top of him.

Looking at them made Jungkook's heart ache a little.

Nonetheless, he and Jimin entered the room as well.

Jimin quickly rushed to kiss the omega's forehead and Taehyung gave a faint smile for the gesture.

They're indeed best friends.

Jimin still loves Taehyung as much as before.

"I'm so happy that you're awake... we've been waiting for you to wake up!" Jimin told the omega as he made himself comfortable at the end of the bed.

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