Chapter 43

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Hyuna didn't stop crying and trembling even though they were already back in the house, safely.

Jungkook was trying to reassure her but she was traumatized by what happened.

When she finally tired herself, she fell asleep and Chaeyoung offered to sleep with her.

"Who are they? I can't believe that five cars couldn't catch these fuckers! You guys were fucking useless!" Jungkook spats to Namjoon who was in command.

"Kook, we needed to escort you guys back home. It was in the middle of the night. We'll catch them another time!" Namjoon responded back.

"Another time? If they don't come to kill us first, right. You guys are so incompetent!"

"We'll fight some other time. Taehyung is probably tired, he doesn't need to deal with us fighting" Namjoon gave up, he went to hug the said omega and Taehyung was so thankful because he indeed didn't need more dramas. "We'll catch them and I'll personally make them pay for what they did. You're safe in here" the vampire promised and then processed to kiss the omega's forehead.

"Thanks, Joon" Taehyung quietly said.

He trusted Namjoon. He also trusted Jungkook to protect him.

When Namjoon walked out of the room, Jungkook rushed to pull Taehyung against his chest.

The omega's body was still shaking a little.

The vampire felt so outraged that he believed that he could kill someone at this instant.

"Guys, I think it's better if you don't go out that often and without protections until Namjoon catch these bastards" Mr Jeon finally spoke up.

"We won't." Jungkook firmly said. "I don't trust Namjoon. I'll lead this matter. I want to kill all of them!"

"Jungkook.." the omega let out a sound of protest.

"No, Tae! I don't fucking care, okay? I have to make them pay. We had you a pregnant omega and a five years girl in that car, they could've, they..." Jungkook didn't want to say it, just thinking about what could've happened made him so furious.

"Shh, it's okay. You were there to protect us.."

"NO! You don't know how I felt. I wouldn't care that much if it were only me in the car but the fact that they attacked when I was with you and Hyuna!" The younger hugged the omega tighter, Taehyung felt the fear in there but it was easier for Jungkook to turn it into anger and hatred.

"We're safe. Hyuna and I are-"

"She was fucking scared! And you were crying. It's not fine!"

Gosh, Jungkook could get untamed at this rate.

Even his eyes are starting to change colors.

Taehyung needed to say something...

"Fine. You'll catch them and make them pay" the omega agreed despite not liking the idea of Jungkook turning on that side and killing someone.

It's not for their attackers' sake though, he was just scared that Jungkook would get lost again or get hurt.

That night, Jungkook hugged Taehyung all night.

The vampire didn't sleep at all.

Too many negativity running in his head.

He began to fear that someone would barge in there and take the omega away from him if he closed his eyes.

That's why he'd rather keep an eye on Taehyung the whole night.


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