Chapter 50

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A/N: Contains violence, blood, violence on a pregnant person!!!!

"Fuck off! Get away from me!!!"

Was the first thing Taehyung heard when he opened his eyes. The blinding light made him wince a little but he still managed to get used to it.

He looked at his surroundings and saw, Jimin, Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon, all tied in chains but seemed to be unconscious, in front of him.

He wondered whose voice just yelled but when he looked behind, he saw Jungkook and was it really- was it fucking Minho?

Jungkook was kneeling down in front of the so called alpha who was stepping on his ha-

"You're such a confident man for still daring to talk to me in such harsh tone when all you did was steal what was mine!" Minho gritted, stepping hard on Jungkook's hands which were also tied so the latter couldn't escape.

"Taehyung is not yours! He's mine! He's my mate" perhaps Jungkook was very courageous but it didn't help his case as Minho kicked his chin, making him spit blood on the floor.

"Kim Taehyung is my mate and Hyuna is our daughter! You fucking dared snatch them away from me and you'd think I'll let it go so easily?" Minho darkly chuckled, Taehyung no longer recognized this man. It was not a man but a monster. "Killing your cousin was just the beginning, I'll kill your friends one by one and yours parents might get lucky too!" The alpha added in a dangerous tone.



Taehyung looked around, his eyes desperately searching for the vampire but he was nowhere to be seen.

Did Minho really kill him-

"I'm going to fucking kill you! I'm going to fucki-" another kick made Jungkook shut up but it was Taehyung who screamed for him this time.

"Let go of him! Minho, please don't hurt him"

It was stupid and dumb because he thought that Minho wouldn't listen to him, he really did but when the alpha retracted himself away from the vampire, Taehyung's eyes went wide.

He locked eyes with Kim Minho for the first time in almost six years and all the omega wanted was to cry, and kill the man.

Minho gave him one of those oddly smirk but Taehyung didn't fall for it as he used to, this time it gave him nothing but nausea and headache.

"Hey, baby. You're awake" for a moment, Minho's soft voice reminded the omega of the old time but a quick flash of the reality made him shake his head to get ride of that. "I'm really sorry for tying you here with these fuckers but I was afr-"

"Get these chains away from me and get away from Jungkook! Don't you dare hurt him any further!" Taehyung sternly warned as he wiggled his hands and feet.

However, a loud laugh coming from the alpha made his mind black out for a split of second.

"I wanted to believe that you still love me as much as I am in love with you but turned out, you moved on and found a replacement" the wolf dryly scoffed. "Could you imagine my pain? I was in coma for five years, I fought everyday for you, my mate and my everything but when I came back, I found out that you are already mated to another man, a vampire at that, the same vampire who had killed my brother!!! You, Taehyung, are the most cruel monster amongst us so don't you dare look at me with those scared eyes of yours!"


So Minho was in coma??? But Taehyung didn't know about that, he really didn't.

"I was told that you were dead! I didn't know that you were still alive" he quietly whispered.

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